Sunday Smiles

I have four words for people who think I have been too harsh on academia:

I told you so!

If you haven’t noticed by now, I am kinda obsessed with the destruction being wrought by our political, cultural, and academic elites.


Sometimes even I wonder if I am perhaps too hard on them. Perhaps I see the glass half empty without acknowledging that it is still half full?

Nah. It isn’t anywhere near half full. It is almost bone dry, because the people who have ascended to the commanding heights of our culture have drained the glass. Nothing is left.

It’s actually not just academia; the public schools are stuffed to the rafters with graduates from our corrupt colleges and universities, and they are busy corrupting America’s youth.

Even some liberals are having their eyes opened to the fact that our education system is morally rotten. Many people whose sympathies don’t normally lean toward Israel are horrified by the outbursts of support for terrorism we have seen on our college campuses and in many of our schools. Students, teachers’ unions, professors, and academic organizations have lashed out as Israel in the wake of the 10/7 attacks on innocents.

Contrary to some people’s assertions, these expressions of support for Hamas preceded any military action from Israel. Their support didn’t arise from any concern with Israel’s response to the terrorist attacks; they simply supported the rape, murder, and kidnappings perpetrated by Hamas.


Their message: Israelis deserved to be butchered.

All that talk of “systemic” this and “systemic” that, “intersectionality,” “colonialism,” and “by any means necessary” wasn’t rhetorical excess. They meant it, and you see the results. Massive protests supporting evil.

We have allowed a generation or two of Americans to grow up in a morally inverted world, and that has to stop. How it gets stopped is the question. Closing down public schools would be a good first step. Universal school choice would be far superior, even if some of the schools would be as morally bankrupt then as now. At least parents could opt out, and as the utter incompetence of so many teachers gets exposed–many of them can’t teach anything but ideology, obviously–the worst of the schools would collapse.

As for academia? That’s a tougher nut to crack, but Ron DeSantis is making a good start in Florida with the New College. It is an experiment, but a worthy one.

State schools educate millions every year, and taxpayers have ultimate authority over these schools. Isolating the private colleges as the home of Left-wing ideology and making state schools more academically focused would be a huge improvement.

We can’t and don’t have to drive all Left-wing ideology out of schools and universities. We can “decolonize” the largest schools and make a huge difference.


Let’s get started.

Sunday Smiles:




























































You know what comes next:


You know what comes here…


And finally…



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David Strom 4:00 PM | October 16, 2024