The US Funds Hamas

AP Photo/Adel Hana

When Donald Trump was in office the United States cut off funding that was going to terrorists.

It wasn’t a tough call. Or rather, it shouldn’t have been one. But as you would expect the Left in the US and elsewhere have a soft spot for Palestinian terrorists, who get a pass because their primary victims are Israeli Jews. As “White colonialists” (European Jews are White, but vast numbers are Arab and Black) the Jews are an approved target of hate.


The UN refuses to label Hamas or Hezbollah as terrorist groups and as a consequence they are eligible recipients of foreign aid, and the UN funnels huge amounts of money into their coffers.

When Joe Biden assumed office he reopened the spigots of US aid to Palestinian terrorist groups, or should I say “approved recipients of UN aid,” and has been funding their war chests.

The Daily Mail did an analysis to see how much money Biden has poured into their pockets, and unsurprisingly the number is not small.

U.S. taxpayer dollars are able to ‘flow freely’ to Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah because the United Nations Security Council has failed to label them as ‘terrorists,’ warn top security experts.

Hamas and Hezbollah are not sanctioned or labeled as terror groups by the UN Security Council. However, other well-known terrorist organizations Al Qaeda and ISIS have been officially designated, which cuts off their ability to get foreign assistance.

Richard Goldberg, senior advisor at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, tells that U.S. taxpayer dollars to the UN are going directly into the hands of terrorists as a result.


None of this should be surprising. The Western Left long ago adopted the Palestinian cause as their own, and as the past week has shown they are fully on board with the “by any means necessary” mission of Hamas and Hezbollah. As I often do, I am not lumping in all liberals with the Left, although they are often fellow travelers. Many people who consider themselves liberals were appalled by the attacks, and we will have to see whether their identification with the Palestinians as an oppressed group overrides their disgust with Hamas’ tactics.

Not that liberals have much of an excuse for their blindness to the terroristic and genocidal goals of these groups; it’s not like they don’t say often and loudly how desperate they are to commit genocide. But as we see time and again, people tend to hear what they want to hear, not what is being said.

So how much money are we talking about? Is it just dribs and drabs to fund drag shows, or are we talking about real money?

Guess. Drag shows aren’t exactly popular in Gaza and the West Bank, nor in southern Lebanon.

‘The UN considers Hamas a legitimate political movement, not a vicious terrorist organization. The same goes for Hezbollah. That means US taxpayer dollars handed over to the UN can flow freely into Hamas hands in Gaza, and they do every day through the UN’s so-called Palestinian refugee agency,’ Goldberg told

The UN has a ‘Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East’ (UNRWA) agency that works to support the ‘relief and human development’ of Palestinian refugees.

The agency received over $15 million from partnering UN countries in 2021 and it lists the United States as a ‘top government donor’ on its website.

Goldberg said that the Biden administration has given roughly $1 billion to the UNRWA, which spends about 38 percent of its budget on Gaza.

Therefore, the U.S. has subsidized Hamas to the tune of $380 million since Biden took office and restarted funding to UNRWA, he said.


That’s not chump change, and we can be sure that isn’t going to infrastructure. After all, Hamas tears up the water pipes to make those rockets that it shoots into Israel.

I wonder how much UN/US money went to installing those pipes that Hamas dug up?

Biden told 60 Minutes he has to run again because he can bring about world peace. How’s that going so far?

If we get those 4 more years Biden wants, the Earth will be a radioactive wasteland.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024