Sweden calling out the military to deal with crime, bombing crisis

Sweden is getting red-pilled, and I, for one, am sad about that.

Despite its reputation as a socialist utopia, Sweden has been steadily moving economically Right for years. Unfortunately, they also bought into the “diversity is our strength” propaganda, and are paying an enormous price.


And, it’s unclear if they can ever recover the peaceful and trusting society they had just a few years ago.

The problem, to put it bluntly, is gang violence being committed by immigrants from the third world. And the situation is a disaster, and only getting worse.

Sweden has asked its military to help police fight gang crime, following a sharp increase in deadly shootings and bomb attacks in the Scandinavian country.

Ulf Kristersson, the centre-right prime minister, said after a meeting on Friday with the head of Sweden’s defence forces and its police that he would next week ask the military to help.

He would also look at changing the law to allow the armed forces to give even more assistance, he said.

“I cannot emphasise enough how serious the situation is. Sweden has never seen anything like it before. No other country in Europe sees anything like it currently,” Kristersson said in a televised address to the nation on Thursday night.

Police chiefs have said that Sweden is facing its most serious domestic security situation since the second world war as immigrant drug gangs engage in a bloody conflict.


Since World War II. You remember that conflict, right? It’s not good when your current security situation can be spoken of in the same sentence as a world war.

“It is political naivete and cluelessness that has brought us here,” said the Swedish prime minister. “It is an irresponsible immigration policy and failed integration effort that has brought us here.

“Social exclusion and parallel societies feed the criminal gangs. There they can ruthlessly recruit children and train them as future killers,” he said.

This is a problem that has been building for years, with both murders and bombings escalating at an increasing rate. Americans may still think of Sweden as a bucolic place where nice people with funny accents smile at each other while distributing wads of government money to each other, but the reality is that the country now has a murder rate twice that of Europe as a whole.

And bombings. Actual bombings. Regularly. Regularly enough, Wikipedia has a page dedicated to the bombing waves.

Calling the military out is a drastic measure, but then again society can’t function if everybody is scared of getting killed.

As recently as 2003 Sweden had one of the lowest shooting deaths per capita in Europe, but, by 2021 it had one of the highest. A report by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA) found that that gun violence claims the lives of four people per million in Sweden – more than double the European average of 1.6 deaths per million.

Last year 62 people were shot dead. That’s out of a population of just over 10m. In the capital, Stockholm, the gun-murder rate is roughly 30 times that of London on a per capita basis. The brutality of the violence is also increasing – including the shocking case of the wife of a gang member being shot dead in the street while holding her newborn child in her arms.


Mass immigration from the third world has turned out to be a social science experiment that has been imposed on an unwilling population. Every Western country bought into the ideological assumption that “diversity is our strength,” as if the cultural differences between the West and other places amounted to exotic clothing and better food choices being integrated into our societies.

Or, some believed that Western countries’ colonial histories required a form of reparations, and open borders were a form of them.

This is ridiculous, and while many coming from the third world are just seeking a better life and are desperate to integrate and move up within our society, many others see us as suckers or potential victims of their predation. In the US some immigrants–the radical Leftists among them, speak of a new “Reconquista,” this time not the Christians taking back Spain from the Moors, but of illegal immigrants taking back the American West.

You can thank Joe Biden for helping that cause.

In just the past 3 years over 6 million illegal immigrants have been documented by ICE, and millions more are “gotaways” whom nobody can account for. This is official US policy, with the federal government actively preventing Texas from protecting the border.


Sweden has learned its lesson, and we will have to see if they can reverse the decline. I fear it may not.

The US? God knows if we can even stop the flow, no less save ourselves from the rapid decline being forced upon us by the radical Left.

Let’s hope so.

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