Stealing an election on the cheap

Townhall Media

Tax-exempt nonprofits are forbidden by law to engage in partisan political activity. It is part of the deal to get tax-exempt status because these charities are subsidized by the government through tax deductions.


That doing this is illegal presented no barrier to Everybody Votes, a charitable foundation that was organized by Clinton political operatives and funded using tax-exempt dollars with the explicit purpose of using charitable dollars as the “most cost-effective” method of netting Democrat votes.

This is all revealed in a report by Parker Thayer, that I found linked at RealClear Public Affairs (yes, I read widely).

Nonprofit voter registration, and the get-out-the-vote (GOTV) activities that usually accompany it, have become the heart of a billion-dollar industry in America. According to Candid’s Foundation Funding for U.S. Democracy database, since 2011 nearly 60,000 grants have been made for “Voter Education, Registration, and Turnout” and “Civic Participation,” benefitting 15,000 different organizations to the tune of $5.9 billion dollars.

Most of the largest grantors and grantees in this industry are left-leaning. Despite IRS rules prohibiting 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit groups from engaging in partisan electioneering, it has long been an open secret that the purpose of their work is to register voters from favorable demographics in order to help get Democrats elected. The voter registration industry has always retreated behind the fig-leaf of “nonpartisanship” when necessary, which has protected it from serious scrutiny..

Everybody has long known about the Left-leaning bias of these voter registration groups, but what they are doing is perfectly legal as long as they are not explicitly advocating for Democrat candidates and openly pushing for the election of Democrats. To the extent that there is a legal problem, it is that what is happening is in a gray area, not across a bright line.


And if the groups are nonprofits but not tax-deductible charities, their efforts would be even less questionable.

What sets this particular effort apart is that it was organized by a dark money organization and explicitly sold to donors as a way to get Democrats elected in a cost-effective manner. That is unambiguously illegal. Coincidentally though unsurprisingly, Sam Bankman-Fried’s family was deeply involved in the illegal effort. They pop up everywhere in Democrat politics, don’t they?

My recent special report, How Charities Secretly Help Win Elections, ripped away that fig-leaf. The report reveals the untold story of a nondescript charity named the “Voter Registration Project” that was used to funnel over $100 million into a five-year voter registration scheme hatched by Clinton campaign operatives to help Democrats win elections in 2020. Using tax forms, leaked documents, and leaked emails, the report shows how the scheme aimed to register over 5 million “non-white” voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, and Nevada; how it was developed through multiple drafts and edits into a highly sophisticated plan dubbed the Everybody Votes Campaign; and how that plan was eventually adopted by a super PAC tied to Sam Bankman-Fried that instructed billionaire donors to keep it completely secret since it was the most “cost-effective” method for “netting additional Democratic votes.”

The report even shows several of the plan’s major donors admitting, in signed tax forms, that their “charitable” grants to the Voter Registration Project were made for the express purpose of supporting the super PAC that had recommended it to them. It was the largest, most organized, and most blatantly partisan nonprofit voter registration drive in American history. By our estimates it generated between 1 and 2.7 million swing-state votes for President Joe Biden in the 2020 election.


The scale of the scam–and that is what it is–was astronomical. Sam Bankman-Fried scale. And as with the financial fraud that Bankman-Fried engaged in, it depended on secrecy.

in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, a leaked memo written by Mind the Gap, a Democrat-aligned Super PAC, came to light. It revealed that the Everybody Votes campaign described in the 2015 memo was still live. Co-written by Barbara Fried, mother of the disgraced crypto-billionaire and Democratic megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried, the 2020 memo advised donors to give 90 percent of their political cash to three nonprofits conducting “well-designed” voter registration campaigns, because that is “the most effective tactic” to score “additional Democratic votes.” …

The memo also instructs Mind the Gap’s donors to keep Everybody Votes a complete secret. “In 2018,” Fried and her colleagues wrote,
their Super PAC “managed to stay out of the news and as far as we know out of Republicans’ sightlines. . . . It will come as no surprise to Republicans—and be of little interest—that yet another organization is trying to fund voter registration in battleground states. But the magnitude of our efforts, the details of targeting, and the names of the organizations we are recommending would be of great interest to them.

Most voter registration efforts are thinly disguised get-pout-the-vote efforts for Democrats; what sets this apart is its explicit criminality. Using charitable foundation money as an “effective tactic” to get more “Democratic votes” is blatantly illegal.


This scam is still going on. Nothing has changed. The same tactics are being used. In Joe Biden’s America, this is just accepted practice. Actually, in Barack Obama’s America–this effort started during his term–the Lois Lerner era–using government money and power explicitly to help Democrats win and keep power is the norm.

Will this report change anything? Probably not. Think of who is running our federal institutions. Do they care about the rule of law, or simply their own power?

The question answers itself.

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