UK government trying to bully Rumble and TikTok to silence Russell Brand

(AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

Boy, am I glad that I am going on vacation starting Saturday. I need a break from the insanity that our world has become. Six glorious days enjoying the wilds of Utah with my father. Little to do but photograph. Heaven.


For two days now my blood has been boiling. Merrick Garland, Alejandro Mayorkas, Joe Biden–all lawbreakers who are destroying our country left me in a rage yesterday.

Today it is the UK government, who are but a few months ahead of us in the promotion of tyranny. Their offense? Bullying TikTok and Rumble to follow YouTube’s lead in demonetizing Russell Brand’s content on their platform.

As you likely know, Brand faces some serious accusations about his sexual behavior from years ago. I have no opinion on the matter because, like literally everybody else aside from the people involved, I don’t know what happened. Brand, of course, was famously libertine in earlier days and wrote openly about it, but whether there was any coercion involved I couldn’t say.

What I can say is that accusations are not proof, and until there is proof then nobody should be dispensing punishment. The alternative is a world in which mere accusations are enough to ruin anybody.

Of course, not even liberals want to live in that world; look at the overwhelming evidence against Biden and their relentless insistence that Biden shouldn’t even be investigated.

No, they want to live in a world where anybody who annoys the Elite is punished for existing.


That an official from the Parliament of a government could pressure social media companies to silence somebody is absurd; that they would do so on the mere basis of an allegation is totalitarian.

Brand has become a thorn in the side of the Establishment. For most of his life, he wasn’t–and if you know anything about the accusations against him all the alleged incidents took place when he was in good odor with the powers that be.

If Brand did anything wrong, none of these people cared a whit. In fact, they celebrated him when he was admittedly a degenerate. It is only now that he has cleaned himself up and is not on the reservation anymore that these tyrants are determined to destroy him.

Five or ten years ago the Establishment would have at least tried to hide its pressure from the public, with the understanding that at least some prominent voices in the media would excoriate them for violating free speech rights.

That is no longer necessary. The media is fully on board with silencing anyone to the right of Karl Marx. They demand it, in fact, in the name of fighting “misinformation.” In the words of CNN pundit Christianne Amanpour, they want to be “truthful, not neutral,” which is another way of saying Narrative Uber Alles.


What the UK Parliament is trying to do here is not just take away Brand’s right to speak, but to make a living. Producing content is what he does and demonetizing his productions is intended to immiserate him. This isn’t just an attempt to silence Brand, but to take away his livelihood based on nothing but unproven accusations.

No doubt anybody defending Brand will be labeled a rape apologist or misogynist because that is how the Left rolls.

How far our culture has fallen. After the Boston Massacre John Adams–one of the founding fathers and a supporter of American independence, stood up and defended the British soldiers accused of murder. He did so not as a partisan of the British, but as a supporter of equal justice under the law. His defense of the soldiers helped save their lives.

Who will stand up for justice today? Precious few, and fewer still who have power.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024