YouTube: you can't show what Democrats say if it makes them look bad

YouTube is a key actor in the censorship-intelligence complex. And with the 2024 election coming up and the never-ending Trials of Donald Trump show about to hit the airwaves they aim to do their part to suppress inconvenient truths.


That is the only explanation for suppressing the following video–for the second time!–claiming it includes “glorification, recruitment, or graphic portrayal of dangerous organizations.”

You can and should watch the video and try to figure out exactly what they are referring to because the only thing the video shows is clips comparing Donald Trump’s 2020 election claims to those of Hillary Clinton. Every Trump claim that has been deemed treasonous was exactly mirrored or even exceeded by Clinton, which is the point.

The video was produced by Matt Orfalea in collaboration with Matt Taibbi’s Racket News and was demonitized once before, before being restored due to an outcry from Taibbi and others.

Now YouTube has demonitized it again, making claims that it promotes violence. Violence, of course, has the same infinite range of meanings that any word can have if you are a Leftist.

A year ago, this site had to throw a public fit to resolve a preposterous controversy involving videographer Matt Orfalea and YouTube. The issue centered around the above video, “‘Rigged’ Election Claims, Trump 2020 vs. Clinton 2016,” which despite total factual accuracy was cited under its “Elections Misinformation” policy. YouTube in July of last year demonetized Orf’s entire channel over his content, saying “we think it violates our violent criminal organizations policy.”

That is quite a claim. Orfalea is a journalist, and as far as I know, the only organization he is loosely related to is Racket News. The criminality to which YouTube refers is violating the iron law that Democrats are demigods in the eyes of the Establishment.


This week, Orf discovered the video had been re-classified as problematic by a new “human reviewer,” who declared it in violation for “harmful or dangerous acts” that “may endanger participants.” Potential problems, the reviewer determined, included “glorification, recruitment, or graphic portrayal of dangerous organizations,” by which I can only presume they mean former Bernie voters like Orf and myself whose political homelessness apparently constitutes a threat.

To put this in context, YouTube hosts videos for actual criminal organizations, as long as they are compatible with The Narrative™. Extinction Rebellion, for instance, proudly commits criminal acts and films them. Their channel is monetized.

You can see the lengths to which the Establishment will go to put their thumbs on the scale to promote ideas they like and suppress those they don’t. In two cases Orfalea’s video has been demonitized, and his entire channel has been as well at times. None of his videos comes close to violating any actual policies, so they simply assert he is a violent and dangerous man.

For quoting Hillary Clinton repeatedly making inconvenient statements–ones she proudly made for years.

It’s an unfortunate coincidence that this situation involving Orf arrives as Racket is preparing a story about new techniques being deployed in recent months to reclassify even non-violative true content as misinformation. Like this affair, that coming story touches on a phenomenon we saw repeatedly in the Twitter Files, but didn’t delve into in detail then: the use of deamplification and “visibility filtering” as PR-friendly alternatives to outright bans.

This episode with Orf represents a crack in the system, where the user isn’t formally notified of a demonetization or deamplification decision, but somehow learns of it anyway. How often is it happening when users don’t find out? Also, are these tools being used pre-emptively, for certain topics? There are so many things we need to learn still, about how access to information is being controlled.


Every Left-leaning company is gearing up for the 2024 election, and ironically they are preparing to do what they claim that Russians did in 2016: interfere in the 2024 election. This certainly qualifies as “election interference” and “rigging the election.” As I have said before a number of times, the 2020 election may or may not have been stolen–we may never know–but without doubt, it was rigged. Every major institution in the country bent or broke the rules in order to “get” Donald Trump.

Under the current set of rules followed by Big Tech, you can be assured that every effort, legal or not, fair or not, inspired by private individuals or government bullying, will be made to help the Democrats win.

Just as parents and pro-lifers are labeled “domestic terrorists” by the FBI, Big Tech will label anything that makes the Democrats look bad as “violent content.”

Freedom of speech in America is under attack, and the fascists are currently winning. We see these efforts to suppress free speech every day here at Hot Air and all the Townhall properties, which is why we keep asking you to sign up for VIP access to our content.

It’s not just that we provide exclusive content for you–frankly, I wish we could put every word and video up without any paywall–it’s that without your support our voices would be silenced. The normal rules don’t apply to us in the eyes of the Left, so in order to get our work out there we need your support. Sign up for the freedom, and the extra content is a bonus.


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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024