Fauci is now pushing climate propaganda

Greg Nash/Pool via AP

Anthony Fauci will not go away.

I guess he has too many important things to do, like being The Science™. We all need The Science™ to tell us how to live our lives.


Fauci’s scientific expertise is apparently limitless, for which we should be grateful. Not only does he know exactly what to do to ensure that no Americans ever catch COVID (imagine–without Fauci a lot of Americans would have died from COVID, but thankfully he prevented anything bad from happening!)–but he is now ready to save us from globull warming.

Given his record of success with COVID-19, I strongly suggest stocking up on liquor and ammo. Watching the Mad Max movies as a refresher course might be a good idea too.

Fauci has hung his shingle at Georgetown University since he needs someplace besides his home to meet with the acolytes who worship the very ground he walks on. Georgetown, I am certain, will benefit from an increased flow of government grants and donations from pharmaceutical companies, so it is a good deal for everybody.

Since The Science™ is omnipotent, his retirement is a boon to mankind. He can now bloviate about every single subject under the sun, and not just about biological agents he helped cook up in a Chinese laboratory.


A longtime advocate for gain-of-function research, he proved his effectiveness at implementing loss-of-prosperity policies over the past few years and apparently wants to prove that his success in immiserating people was not just beginners’ luck.

Fauci, you see, is now pushing the decarbonization of the economy.

Fauci’s grasp of climate science and economics is obviously as complete as his understanding of how to keep the COVID virus from infecting Americans. According to the US Census, somewhere around 80% of Americans have contracted COVID at some point, proving that mandating masks and vaccines was a very effective policy.

Thank you, Anthony Fauci.

If you believe the phony statistics put out by the CDC, the United States has a COVID-19 death rate about 43% higher than Sweden’s and a substantially higher excess death rate overall since the pandemic hit, so obviously following Tony’s advice was a smart move for us. Since the pandemic began the United States has an excess mortality rate more than twice Sweden’s.

For the uninitiated: more than twice as many people died premature deaths in the United States than in Sweden from all causes. So the COVID death rate is higher here, and all-cause mortality is higher here. Thanks, Anthony Fauci!


This is good if you want to reduce carbon emissions. Fewer Americans means less carbon emissions after all. Obviously, we need to take advice from good ol’ Tony.

The irony of Fauci pointing to the deaths in Maui as proof that the government should have more power is off the charts. Having caused his own share of deaths and destruction, his suggestion that giving more power to an entity that failed to prepare for wildfires that were predicted, failed to put out the fire due to water restrictions, failed to warn citizens of the danger, prevented evacuation by blocking the roads, and is now hiding the scale of destruction is totally on brand.

Of course, the very same people who admire our “No comment” president (who has his own terrifying experience with a kitchen fire) will lap up Fauci’s advice on how to address wildfires.

As I wrote yesterday, Hawaii spends remarkably little on preventing or fighting wildfires, despite decades of warnings that they present a clear and present danger. Spending a few million more dollars–they spend almost nothing–might have saved hundreds of lives in Lahaina.

Instead, Fauci and his fellows in The Science™ recommend spending trillions a year reworking the economy and reducing the world population by billions.


As I said, totally on-brand. Fauci disdained focused protection during the pandemic–putting resources into protecting those most at risk–in favor of society-wide restrictions that saved nobody at risk but undermined our economy and the resilience of our society.

That people still listen to this clown would be hilarious, except that it is dangerous. Unlike the people who believe flat earthers, Fauci’s acolytes have power and resources. They have proven that they have both the power and the will to destroy society.

Masks are apparently coming back, thanks to such people.

Do not comply. Sweden got it right. Fauci got it wrong. Never, ever take his advice.


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