Lede with a lie

The Washington Post isn’t fit to be fish wrapper. They are a disgrace. A total, complete, and pathetic disgrace.

If and when Democracy Dies in Darkness, the Post will be the ones who broke all the light bulbs and shut down the power plants that provided the energy to keep the country lit, cooled, and properly functioning as a modern free market liberal democracy.


I was shocked to see this utter tripe being pushed out by the Post last night (as I write this), in which the lede claims that “extreme heat kills more people in the United States than any other weather hazard.” I screenshot the tweet because I would not be surprised for them to tweak the wording once the ratio gets bad enough. Perhaps, though, they simply won’t care.

This claim is complete tripe, and for proof you need not look any further than a story that was in The Washington Post this freaking February. February 16th, in fact.

There has never been any dispute–scientifically–about whether heat or cold is the larger danger to human existence. In all but the most extreme cases deaths caused by excessive heat are actually caused by something like dehydration. The simple expedient of drinking more water would slash the danger dramatically.

You may have noticed that during the exact same period of time that we have been bombarded by climate hysteria the population of the United States has been moving, and it ain’t northward. Phoenix, for instance, has been America’s fastest-growing city and Florida is growing like a weed.

It is true that human beings are highly adaptable and have successfully lived in extremely hot and extremely cold environments, but it is no accident that human populations originated near the equator and it was fairly late in our evolutionary history we moved northward. It is also no mystery that Canada, with a landmass that is slightly larger than the US has a population that is almost 300 million people larger smaller.


In other words, the claim that heat is deadlier than cold is not only wrong, but laughably so.

A few weeks back I wrote about an absurd article in The Lancet that made similar claims about the danger of heat vs cold, and the absurdity of their argument was encapsulated by one chart they used to scare people.

If you look at the X-Axis, you can see what they did–they used different scales for heat vs cold deaths to make the dangers looks similar. The scale for heat deaths was 5 times as large, to make it look much deadlier than reality.

The Washington Post presents itself as a reliable source of information, unlike icky people like me. The Lancet styles itself a top-tier scientific journal worthy of being used as a source to debunk crazy conspiracy theorists.

They are, in fact, lying propagandists without consciences. That is not hyperbole. It is simply a statement of fact.

In a democratic society the citizens must rely on objective sources in order to make rational decisions, and the sources we have come to trust abuse that trust every single day. They are liars.

Anthropogenic climate change could be real and a serious problem, or it could be an invention being promulgated to seize control over the economy. It could be something in between.


But the one thing we know for absolute certain is that the people pushing for radical action to “solve” the problem are scoundrels. They open their mouths and nothing but lies come out. They should be tarred, feathered, and exiled to some island they claim will sink under the ocean. They deserve our trust as much as Sam Bankman-Fried, because they are just as honest as he.

Not even a bit more honest.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024