Sunday Smiles

I am old enough to remember when Donald Trump was sure to sell the country out because some foreigners might stay in hotels with his name on them.

It was a serious national security threat, not to mention a violation of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause.


Ah, good times! We were all so innocent back then.

These days we have all matured and understand that Vice Presidents and Presidents need to be realistic and plan for their families’ futures by selling US economic and foreign policy decisions to corrupt foreigners.

How else will our children be able to keep going on benders filled with hookers and blow? Ukrainian businessmen and the Chinese Communist Party pay better than the US Taxpayers.

Americans need a president who loves his family more than anything else and is willing to abuse his power to ensure that his felonious children can purchase the finest Columbian marching powder and crystal meth and make time and babies with the most attractive hookers and strippers.

Are you opposed to filial love? Monster!

Thank God CNN, MSNBC, and all the MSM have helped the country mature into a more cosmopolitan and forward-thinking society.

Of course, those rules only apply to right-thinking people, by which I mean Left-thinking people. The old rules apply to the rubes who don’t know enough about the real world to make the right decisions, such as killing babies, sterilizing children, distributing pornography, and censoring wrongthink.

If you find these standards confusing, don’t worry. You are in the Rube category and should just follow the commands conveniently shouted at you by the MSM. It will work out fine. Trust them.

Quit thinking and enjoy your popcorn-flavored crickets. They are tasty and have a lot of protein.

































































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David Strom 4:00 PM | October 16, 2024