Lefty Mayor sentenced to 30 years for kiddie porn

Exactly 5 months ago I wrote about Patrick Wojahn, the (now) former Mayor of College Park Maryland getting arrested for possessing kiddie porn.

It was another example of the non-existent QAnon conspiracy “there is no pedophilic sex trafficking and no, liberals aren’t sexualizing kids really” phenomenon.


Really, there isn’t. All that Sound of Freedom stuff is a myth. It is perfectly normal to talk to kids about sex, give them pornographic books that explain bizarre sexual practices, and instruct them on how to use gay dating apps like Grindr.

Wojahn was a proud progressive and hence well respected in College Park. He served on the City Council and then was elected Mayor in 2015. He had all the right opinions, abased himself for BLM, and just pled guilty to possessing and distributing kiddie porn.

A former mayor of College Park, Md., pleaded guilty on Wednesday to possessing and distributing child sexual abuse imagery under a plea deal in which he agreed to serve 30 years in prison, prosecutors said.

Under the agreement, the former mayor, Patrick Wojahn, 47, who was arrested in March, pleaded guilty in Prince George’s County Circuit Court to 60 counts of distribution of the sexual abuse imagery, 40 counts of possession and 40 counts of possession with intent to distribute.

As part of the plea deal, Mr. Wojahn agreed to serve 30 years of a 150-year prison sentence, with the remainder suspended, according to the Prince George’s County State’s Attorney’s Office. He will become eligible to apply for parole after seven and a half years. A judge will sentence him on Nov. 20.

After his release, Mr. Wojahn must register as a sex offender for 25 years and serve five years of probation, said Jessica Garth, an assistant state’s attorney.


By no means do I want to imply that progressives are, as a class, inclined toward pedophilia. There is clearly something deeply wrong with people who have an attraction to kids, and I seriously doubt that political leanings have anything to do with it. These are sick puppies and the evidence suggests that the sickness is incurable.

No, the link to progressive politics is the sexual laissez-faire values that Leftism embraces and the ideological conviction that kids are sexual beings who should be exposed to and be educated early in sexuality. This is a conviction that is deeply embedded in Lefty ideology, as is the celebration of “Queer” sexuality that rejects social norms that serve to restrain a large number of people from acting out their sexual fantasies as a form of self-expression.

Leftists believe that everybody should let their freak flags fly–go to any Pride parade and you will see the open display of sexual deviances of all kinds and the encouragement of children to admire and in some cases, such as the more explicit drag shows, participate.

Breaking down social barriers to harmful behavior gets you more of it. You see that in cities where they have normalized crime, drug use, and other dysfunctional behaviors. The less strict you are in suppressing destructive behaviors, the more destructive behaviors you get. It’s pretty simple.


Repression of deviant sexual impulses is a common impulse among conservatives, not due to a particular prudishness, but rather because as with crime and other destructive behaviors, it is pretty clearly harmful to society. Staying faithful and married can be difficult, for instance, for people with strong sexual impulses; yet strong social norms promoting conventional marriage have proven to be socially beneficial.

Giving in to every appetite is antisocial, and Leftism, for all its pro-social talk, actually promotes the opposite. This is also why all those progressive utopias preaching about equity have the greatest problem with poverty and inequality. It’s all talk, while the actions are often narcissistic self-indulgence.

Narcissistic self-indulgence turns out to be a terrible foundation for a society that works.

Wojhan is not your typical progressive–most people, however self-indulgent, do not actually want to diddle kids. But, living in a progressive paradise, he was surrounded by people who reject social norms that might have dissuaded him from trying to live out his fantasies.

There is a movement in psychology and psychiatry to normalize these desires, and it is driven by the same basic ideological impulse to affirm desires as necessarily good.  These “mental health professionals” might think they are helping, but they are doing the obvious. The truly pro-social attitude is ruthless suppression of the worst deviant desires, not validating them as normal.


It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find more than a few professors there in College Park, where the University of Maryland is based, who would stick up for “Minor Attracted People” as misunderstood victims of society. They can be found anywhere in academia.

Unfortunately, when you make excuses for these desires, you get more people acting out on them.


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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024