The MSM's Trump standard

The MSM sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil when it comes to Joe Biden. He is a kindly grandfather who clearly loves his family, and works tirelessly for the American people.


Joe Biden is defending democracy against the constant assaults of the evil MAGA Americans.

It is inconceivable that Joe was talking with Ukrainian and Chinese businessmen–many of whom, by the way, are in jail now for bribery–about anything but the weather when he was on the phone with them. And those millions of dollars Hunter collected (and failed to pay taxes on) were for totally legitimate things like advice, and Hunter’s sharing a bank account or two with his dad was totally normal.

It’s really quite shocking that anybody would question Joe Biden’s integrity. He is known to be totally honest in every respect, even sharing his IQ, his academic record, and his ability to tell his life story completely honestly.

Where they ask, is the PROOF that Biden did a thing wrong?

And as we know, the media only looks into stories and tells us about them when they have ironclad proof.


To see how evenhandedly the media uses this standard in discussing allegations of corruption, we need only look at how honestly and fairly they covered Donald Trump during and after his time in office.

Never once did they consider spreading rumors, no less potentially false allegations against the president.

They were scrupulous, going the extra mile to avoid insinuations about Trump being corrupt, a Russian asset, a fan of Russian watersports, or selling US secrets and policies in exchange for people staying in a Trump-branded hotel.

The idea that a mere accusation would be enough to generate hundreds of stories with absolutely no factual basis at all, other than rumors spread by his political enemies, is absurd.

“Might have.” “Most likely scenarios.”


For such stories, Pulitzer Prizes were actually given.

The Trump standard seems to me the height of journalistic integrity, and I am thrilled that the media has adopted it in covering Joe Biden.

The MSM can’t descend to the level of the tabloid press. They must stick to what we know, and avoid connecting dots that are merely millimeters apart. After all, there could be an innocent explanation for all those shell companies getting Chinese Communist Party and Ukrainian cash, and it is perfectly natural for dollars from these sources to flow into the pockets of Joe Biden’s family.

What politician doesn’t have such financial arrangements with businessmen who are convicted of bribery? And honestly, Joe truly is interested in discussing the weather with people nice enough to take his son out to dinner before handing him millions in cash.


The mere fact that we have volumes of evidence linking Joe Biden to influence peddling, foreign policy deals that helped his son and Burisma, and took his son on Air Force 2 to meet with business partners is hardly enough to even cover the story, no less investigate it. There really is no concrete evidence, save for the testimony of co-conspirators and the fact that Joe Biden now is universally acknowledged even by Democrats to have lied about his ties to Hunter’s business.

The MSM’s coverup for Joe Biden and vendetta against Trump are going to be, in the end, of more importance than Joe Biden’s corruption.

The American Experiment is strong enough to survive corrupt politicians. It was designed specifically to do so, in perhaps the best example of political genius in human history.

But it likely won’t survive this: an entire information infrastructure with the single-minded purpose of deceiving the American people in the service of promoting the political power of an elite that is determined to pillage the country and suppress the freedoms of average Americans.


The evidence is clear–I just provided more than enough–that our media is determined to destroy Republicans regardless of evidence and to protect Democrats regardless of how corrupt and venal they are.

The fact that a mainstream news source could publish an evidence-free screed on how the sitting president has been a Russian asset for decades tells you everything you need to know.

The media is, as Trump put it, the “enemy of the people.” When he said it I thought it was hyperbole.

Now I know it is simply a statement of fact.

PS: Props to Drew Holden at the Washington Free Beacon for digging up all those tweets. I shamelessly used his work.

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