There ain't no justice at Justice

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This has been a bad week for the American justice system, at least if you think it should be about, you know, justice.

Big developments in three separate legal cases intersected within 36 hours. The first, of course, is the Hunter Biden plea deal fiasco; the second is the Special Counsel’s ever-expanding witchhunt against Donald Trump; the third is the Justice Department’s case against Sam Bankman-Fried.


It is not wrong to look at these cases as partisan issues, because, well, they are.

Hunter Biden is the president’s son and obviously getting a sweet deal from his dad’s employees. Donald Trump is President Biden’s political enemy and likely opponent in 2024, assuming Biden is still alive and kicking. And Sam Bankman-Fried poured $90 million into the Democrats’ coffers, including a ton into the campaign to get Biden elected.

Biden. Biden. Biden. It’s as if our legal system exists mainly to serve Joe Biden.

First, consider SBF’s case. Mr. Bankman-Fried, who dropped $90 million into the laps of Democrats over the past few years, just had charges dropped related to – you guessed it – campaign finance allegations. He stole money from his clients to give to Democrats, and the Justice Department has decided that this is going to be swept under the rug.

Surprise! No discovery. No campaign finance charges are to be touted in the media during a trial. Just gone. This will benefit SBF not much – he still has other charges – but it sure helps the Democrats who no longer have to answer for the scandal.

Now, Hunter Biden. The fiasco that unfolded on Wednesday had but one origin: the Justice Department wanted to give Hunter blanket immunity while pretending not to, and the judge saw through it. They concocted a strategy that was, even the Justice Department admitted, unique in legal history: cut a deal to provide immunity from prosecution for all crimes while resolving the “investigation” in almost none of them.


It was the equivalent of a blanket pardon from the president while looking like a plea deal. It blew up because the judge wouldn’t have it. Thank God.

And, of course, there is the saga of Trump. What can you say about Trump, who is the Democrats’ Great Orange Whale? Like Ahab, they keep trying to kill him, and they can’t seem to go a week without charging him with some new crime. The latest charges are, again, about the classified documents scandal, and are as absurd as they are petty. Trump is being prosecuted for doing what Biden and Clinton did every day, plus twice on Sunday.

Joe Biden spread his purloined classified documents around the country, leaving them in his garage, his rarely-visited “office” at the “Biden Center,” and probably as bathroom reading for his foreign-agent coke-sniffing son. Hillary Clinton kept her classified documents unprotected on the Internet, and we pretty much know our enemies got them all in a hack.


But it is Trump who must go to jail for being a hoarder.

His name isn’t Biden or Clinton.

If by now it isn’t obvious to you that the justice system is rigged to benefit Democrats and harm Republicans, nothing could possibly convince you of that fact because you are blind, deaf, and lobotomized. You are beyond suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and clearly have brain damage.

If you are blind, deaf, and lobotomized, CNN is looking for a new journalist and you have just the qualifications. MSNBC is interested too.

The MSM long ago gave up on the pretense of being journalists. They are the Pravda media, existing solely to benefit the interests of the Democrats. And because that is true, far too many Americans are deceived into believing that the only threat to the system is an Orange Man and his fascist minions.

It regularly shocks me how many smart, well-read people are utterly ignorant of what seem like basic facts. Many don’t know anything about the Twitter Files, government censorship efforts, the COVID coverups, the truth about pornographic materials in schools, or any of a thousand other issues that should be common knowledge.

That is why Joe Biden is still a viable candidate. Millions of Americans actually believe that we are attacking Hunter for being a cocaine addict, and not for being a facilitator of bribes from China and Ukraine. They simply don’t know. They actually think the FBI is a law enforcement agency and not the Democrats’ Stasi.


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