YouTube scrubbing RFK video from their site; Instagram bans before he posts anything

AP Photo/Josh Reynolds

RFK Jr. is scaring the Establishment, and they are fighting back against him in the best way they know how: by shutting him up.

RFK Jr. has always struck me as something of a kooky oddball, and while he is fighting on our side from the left, I still think he is something of a kooky oddball who happens to be saying some things that make sense.


A fraction of Democrats like kooky oddballs (as do a fraction of Republicans, I admit), so RFK Jr. has struck a chord with Democrats who think Joe Biden is failing as a biological being and as a president.

You have to hand it to him, he has struck a chord. As a son and nephew of two of the most famous American politicians, he has the capacity to reach millions with his messaging and he has used that to his advantage. He currently sits at about 20% in the Democrat polls for president, which is impressive as his opponent is the incumbent.

The Establishment doesn’t like his growing success with a segment of the population, so they did this:

A few years back I would have immediately dismissed the accusation against the CIA as crazy nonsense. Now? I have seen enough conspiracies to believe it is possibly true. I don’t believe it is true, but I don’t dismiss it out of hand. We have seen the CIA do some shady stuff domestically in recent years, and in the 1960s it was definitely out of control.


Regardless of its plausibility, the theory that JFK or RFK Jr. was/were assassinated by the CIA is clearly within bounds as a point of discussion. There is no call to violence in this interview, and the man clearly isn’t calling for violence or an insurrection. He is telling us what he thinks.

YouTube and by extension, the Establishment don’t want you to hear what he has to say. So they silence him.

This is the way of things in the 2020s. There is a censorship-industrial complex determined to control what you see, hear, and can think.

This is, literally, what totalitarianism looks like, and in this case, the fascist version of it where the corporate and government elements of society collude to control everything.

What distinguishes fascism and communism is not specifically ideology so much as method: both are fundamentally socialist in nature, but fascism is defined by the merging of the corporate and political classes into an uber-class, with nominal control of the means of production remaining in the private sector; communism explicitly nationalizes the means of production.

Practically speaking the government controls the economy in both, but fascism recognizes that businesses run by businessmen and with profit motives are more productive. But business is still subservient to political direction.


YouTube, Google, Facebook, and formerly Twitter are or have been extensions of the government in all practical ways. They have the freedom to make money and decisions as they like, as long as they hew to the government line when it matters.

This is a great example of what this means. Even if YouTube didn’t get a specific request to silence Kennedy, they certainly are responding to the desires of the Democrats who want him shut down.

It’s pretty clear that the Democrats don’t want an anti-establishment loose canon in the White House. Should Biden be pushed aside, or God forbid become obviously unable to run again, he will be replaced on the ticket by Harris or Newsom, depending upon which faction within the Party wins. It will not be RFK Jr.

The Democrat Party is far more efficient at controlling the machinery of their party. They stack the deck for their chosen candidate and it sticks. The Republicans have tried to do this, but as you saw in 2016 they aren’t very good at it. The Democrats are, and the range of tools they now have extends beyond mere control over their own party machinery: they essentially control the means of communication.

YouTube is a subsidiary of Alphabet (Google), and the Alphabet people (in both senses of the word here) are doing the Establishment’s bidding (or rather, their own class’ bidding since they are also Establishment).


This is America in the 2020s.

UPDATE: Instagram banned RFK Jr.’s account before it even got started:

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