Chesa Boudin to found Criminal Law & Justice Center at UC Berkeley

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

If there is something Chesa Boudin knows about, it’s how not to fight crime and how to ensure justice is not done.

He is an expert. I wish he were one of a kind, but unfortunately, he is one of many Soros prosecutors dedicated to ensuring that criminals don’t get justice and the law doesn’t get enforced.


That must be why UC Berkeley is hiring him to found a new Criminal Law and Justice Center. Apparently, the new “thing” even in law schools is destroying law and making sure justice isn’t done.

For those of you blessed with a memory that blocks traumatic events from your mind, Chesa Boudin managed to do the impossible: he convinced San Franciscans that he was too Left-wing to have in government. Under his guidance, the city went from bad to much worse.

Boudin earned his credentials as a radical and a criminal lover. Born of Weather Underground terrorist parents, he was raised by friends of his parents who were themselves terrorists who got away with it. You may know them: Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who, like his parents, had been members of the Weather Underground.

His parents were arrested for murder when he was a baby. The people who raised him escaped prosecution but were no less guilty of crimes, which is why they became academics at Chicago universities. It is a perfect credential in modern America to be a Left-wing terrorist who gets away with it. You win a Che Guevara T-shirt!

Such credentials instantly got him into the best schools in America, because there is nothing like hatred for our society that excites the academic soul. His academic pedigree is impeccable: Yale undergrad, Rhodes scholarship, and Yale Law.


Credentials heaven!

Proving that there are ideas so insane that only an academic would believe them he brought his radical politics to the job for which he was elected: District Attorney of San Francisco.

This is where he shone, becoming a criminal’s best friend. San Francisco became so crime-ridden under his stellar leadership that the residents actually recalled him from the office, which is so gobsmackingly difficult that it took real skill to achieve this level of hatred from San Francisco Leftists.

It is their firm belief that other people should pay the price for their principles, and they resented that somehow they wound up picking up the tab.

As so often happens with our elite institutions, failing upward is a viable career path, and Chesa has hit the jackpot. It is unsurprising that Berkeley would provide a sinecure for Boudin–that is how these things often work–but it takes real balls to have him found a center dedicated to criminal law and justice.

Berkeley is proud, though, of their choice, and points to his experience of being the child of terrorists as proof he is up to the task:

Chesa Boudin has spent his whole life grappling with incarceration and its far-reaching implications. As the founding executive director of Berkeley Law’s new Criminal Law & Justice Center, he sees an exciting opportunity to build on his work of transforming the criminal legal system in profound ways.

A lifetime of visiting my biological parents in prison and my work as a public defender and district attorney have made clear that our system fails to keep communities safe and fails to treat them equitably,” Boudin says. “I’m thrilled to join the nation’s premier public law school and engage with brilliant scholars and students to drive meaningful change by elevating the lived experience of those directly impacted.”

The center will be a research and advocacy hub to boost Berkeley Law’s public mission in the criminal justice arena. It will help foster research collaboration among faculty members and others, enhance law students’ training and practice opportunities, and strengthen connections between the university and the outside world.

Since coming to Berkeley Law, I have wanted to create a criminal law and justice center to further advance the important work of our tremendous faculty and clinics in this area,” Dean Erwin Chemerinsky says. “I am delighted to launch the center and that Chesa Boudin will be its first executive director. Chesa was chosen after a national search and has substantial experience across the criminal justice system. He has thought deeply about the system, and I cannot think of anyone better to create and direct this important center.”


This is, of course, the ultimate “Screw you!” to the plebs who want to live without being harassed and assaulted by criminals. And I have to imagine that while kicking average people in the nuts is not the whole point of the exercise, it certainly is the icing on the cake for the academics who are going to use tax dollars to fund this absolute farce.

This reminds me of CUNY’s Law School speaker who used her speech to attack America and American law enforcement. Public institutions are dedicated to telling the public how awful we all are.

This being California, almost no level of malfeasance is ever punished, yet Boudin managed to get booted from his job. The Elite, being who they are, had to strike back and endorse Boudin as a model public servant.

So it goes in Blue America. If you have the right politics and the right credentials, you can leave actual dead bodies in your wake and get applause from the powers that be.

CORRECTION: corrected where Ayers and Dorn taught.

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