WHO goes all in promoting socialism


It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the World Health Organization has turned its attention to promoting a Marxist restructuring of the global economy.

After all, its Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a member of the terrorist government run by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front in Ethiopia, which ascended to power through war and terrorism, and after it lost power resorted to war and terrorism. His background is revolutionary Marxism, and his role as leader of the WHO has been to promote an anti-Western agenda.


President Biden, by the way, wants to give the WHO  power over US health policy. Go figure.

Marxism is never promoted as the ideological movement that wants to kill and terrorize everybody, but it is the ideology that always puts in power those who are determined to kill and terrorize everybody. 100 million people were killed by Marxism over the past century. This isn’t much disputed.

It looked like a stake was driven through the heart of Marxism back in the 1990s, but it was always a mistake to think so. I was teaching at Carleton College after the Berlin Wall and then the Soviet Union fell, and I remember discussing the matter with a Marxist professor. He was annoyed, but not especially worried that Marxism was dead. It had a firm foothold in academia, and academia is where all the best and the brightest were sent to get indoctrinated.

The WHO is pushing its Marxist agenda under the banner of “Health for All,” which is precious. An ideology that produces utter failures such as the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Venezuela is all about health promotion. Uh-huh. Got it.


The reality is more than a bit different. The WHO is pushing an agenda to completely remake the world economy by addressing global warming and “equity,” because equity is the buzzword of the day that apparently turns people’s brains to mush. Mutter the word “equity” and everybody will follow along like sheep, scared to be called a racist.

The council that came up with this new Marxist agenda for restructuring the world economy is exactly what you would expect, an intersectionalist delight:

The Council was established in late 2020 by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director-General, WHO) to provide new economic thinking – reassessing how health and wellbeing are valued, produced and distributed across the economy.

An all-female group of 10 distinguished economists and area experts, the Council has focused on reimagining how to put Health for All at the heart of government decision-making and private sector collaboration at regional, national and international levels.

The Council – in this report and in its previous work – has recommended policy approaches underpinned by this new economic narrative. The choices made about how to channel and shape public and private investments will determine whether the world continues to struggle with the consequences of major health challenges, or succeeds in creating a new political economy based on Health for All.


In his foreward to the report that is pushing this restructuring of the world economy Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus describes its work.

In 2020, I established the independent Council on
the Economics of Health for All, a group of experts in
economics, finance, development, health policy and public
health, chaired by Professor Mariana Mazzucato. I asked
these distinguished thinkers, advisers and activists to do
nothing less than completely reimagine the relationship
between economics and health.

This final report is the result of their extensive
consultation, thinking and leadership over the past
two years. It provides bold, profound recommendations
informed by evidence and experience.

The work arises from a radical and welcome premise: that
physical and mental wellbeing for all people must be a
central goal of economies, not just a stepping stone to
other objectives. To make this happen, “Health for All”
must be a key priority across all government departments,
not just ministries of health.

It all sounds like sweetness and light until you realize that “radical” means radical, and equity means what we all know it means. The chair of the council is, of course, an advisor to the World Economic Forum, which tells you what you need to know. If you are into shuttering farms, eliminating energy production, and eating bugs by candlelight you will enjoy the world they are trying to usher in.


Bugs are high in protein, you know.

The WHO is an organization that I, prior to COVID, assumed was a good thing to have. Coordinating disease surveillance, promoting preventative measures to improve living conditions and reduce disease in poorer countries, and pushing various vaccines to regions plagued by disease was an agenda I could support wholeheartedly.

How naive. Look at what people do, not what they say.

The WHO is currently pushing for a worldwide treaty on pandemics, and lots of political leaders have signed onto the effort. If you want more of what we got during COVID, this will give you exactly that: a worldwide assault on liberty that has been unprecedented. Combine this with a Marxist restructuring of the world economy and we can look forward to a very dark age indeed in the coming years.

They even seem to have a plan to get there:

President Trump was right to pull out of the WHO, and President Biden was predictably wrong in reaffirming the US commitment to the organization. Biden is always wrong, so no surprise.

The fact that the WHO is run by a man who was part of an actual terrorist organization tells you all you need to know not just about him, but about the worldwide elite.


As long as you are the right kind of terrorist, it’s all cool.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025