“Bathrooms Are Where We Feel Most Vulnerable.”
Certainly true. When forced to use a public bathroom, people can often feel vulnerable. Especially if they are small women in strange places.
We disrobe. We sit down, with clothes around our ankles. The rooms are often secluded, for obvious reasons. We are, indeed, vulnerable should there be a dangerous person around.
Bathrooms are supposed to be private places, especially for women. Men often use urinals and stand next to each other; women have private stalls, for obvious reasons.
This is, indeed, why Republicans are “obsessed” with protecting women’s bathrooms–because we are obsessed with protecting women, whom we, at least, still believe exists as a category of people.
The Left? They can’t even define what a woman is, they are so committed to including the testicularly-endowed into the category. They desperately want men to break into women’s private spaces and drive them out.
"The writer and activist Erin Reed wrote that the bill “effectively deputizes cisgender individuals as bathroom enforcers, tasking them with identifying and reporting suspected transgender people for arrest and subsequent gender investigation.” https://t.co/K36gvbj8Se
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) May 19, 2023
[B]athroom bills are back, part of a pitiless onslaught against trans bodies that gathers speed with each passing day. The new Florida bills target many aspects of trans people’s lives, expanding the “Don’t Say Gay” policies in school to older students, banning gender-affirming medical care for children and allowing the state to seize children from parents who allow them to receive such care. The laws also prohibit schools from recognizing a child’s preferred name or pronouns.
The new bathroom law is particularly cruel and absurd. Politicians claim these measures seek to make bathrooms safer. But I have yet to see any of these legislators produce a shred of credible evidence that transgender people pose a safety threat to cisgender people in bathrooms.
Most people don’t understand the Left’s hatred of women. They buy the rhetoric of empowerment, the “You go girl!”-style of cheerleading, and take it at face value.
But any serious examination of most feminist rhetoric demonstrates the hostility of the ideology to the distinctively feminine traits that make women who they are. Is it any wonder that abortion and sterilization are the highest values in today’s feminism? Reproduction is the most distinctively feminine trait. Men cannot produce new human life; only women can.
Stop it! We can’t celebrate reproduction and cherish this miraculous possibility. We must destroy it!
Modern feminist and alphabet ideologies have been determined to wipe the feminine out of existence and replace it with faux femininity and faux masculinity. Feminists have fetishized masculine traits as the most desirable–creating the myth that the work world is some magical place where men enjoy the great privilege of engaging in hot, sweaty labor or the drudgery of middle management–and simultaneously denigrating the raising of a family as something beneath contempt.
The new, modern femininity has become nothing more than stylized cosplay, where minstrels pretend to be women.

Feminism always advertised itself as expanding the choices of women, and early feminism indeed succeeded in doing so. My mother was an astronomer. My wife works at the state legislature, and before that taught college. At times she was our breadwinner, at others, I have been. It has been a good deal for both of us.
But we never had children, unfortunately. Had we, we would have found a way for one of us to stay home with the child, and I suspect that it would have been her. Not because of some sexist gender role tyranny, but because women are deeply bound to their children. For all of human history, until the invention of formula, it simply HAD to be that way because babies need their mothers in order to survive until weaning.
The defeminization of women and denigration of maternal instincts has been accompanied by a devaluation of feminity itself. Women are, on average, smaller, weaker, and more vulnerable than men. Men are not only stronger but far more predatory. Just look at crime statistics and especially sexual crime statistics.
Not all men prey on women, but women are almost exclusively the ones preyed upon.
The gaslighting the Left is engaged in is extraordinary. The New York Times’ acknowledgment that bathrooms are a place where women can feel most vulnerable would make one expect that they would endorse the bathroom protection bills, but no. The opposite is true.
Women might feel especially vulnerable in bathrooms. Therefore we must make them places safe for MEN.
That is their argument. They simply redefine men as women and women who want privacy as oppressors.
The Left’s agenda is to eradicate women as a legitimate category and to eradicate genuine feminity itself. They, as far as I can tell, hate women more than the most misogynistic men I have ever met.
Is it a surprise that the modern transgender movement has simultaneously celebrated men pretending to be women–driving women out of their private spaces–while targeting young girls, who make up the vast majority of the new transgender teens? A few years ago almost no girls identified as boys and sought gender “care.”
Now 2/3rds of such cases are girls seeking to become boys. That is not an accident. They are being recruited.
Men drive women out of their spaces, while real females are sterilized, mutilated, and told they are boys and must become masculine.
This is the reality of the alphabet ideology. It is literally misogynistic, eliminating the very category and existence of women.
If women are made to feel vulnerable, be aware that this is precisely the point.
The New York Times may want us to sympathize with the men who want to invade female spaces. But this Opinion piece inadvertently proves that it is women who need the protection, not men.
After all, “bathrooms are where we feel most vulnerable.”
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