More Minnesota Madness

Sex offenders.

You know the ones. They assault people. Rape people. Spy on people.

They are, as a group, defined by being sick bastards who abuse other people, including children.


So when State Senator Julia Coleman submitted an amendment to the Public Safety bill–the same one that also changes the definition of “sexual orientation” to include pedophiles–that would prevent Level 3 sex offenders to live near daycare centers, homes for vulnerable adults, and “locations where children commonly gather,” the amendment passed with bipartisan support on the floor of the Senate.

Just as an amendment in the Minnesota House that would have ensured pedophiles could never be considered a protected class was passed unanimously.

Nobody wants to openly vote to support sex offenders and pedophiles, right? Such votes must be buried in larger bills where they will be smothered by hundreds or thousands of other provisions.

And so it went. Both amendments were stripped out of the final Public Safety bill by Democrats, who had unusually created a conference committee that completely excluded Republicans. That is not how things are done, but the Democrats had the power to keep Republicans from having any say in the final bill, and they used it to ensure that they could open the door to Level 3 sex offenders (a category that includes pedophiles) living in close proximity to children.

Minnesota Democrats stripped an amendment from an omnibus public safety bill that would have made it harder for sex offenders to live near daycare centers.

Under current law, when releasing a level 3 sex offender into the community, the state must take into consideration the proximity of the offender’s residence to schools and avoid concentrating offenders near schools or in the same neighborhood.

Sen. Julia Coleman, R-Waconia, proposed an amendment to the omnibus judiciary and public safety bill that would have expanded these restrictions to daycare centers, homes for vulnerable adults, and “locations where children commonly gather.”

Coleman’s amendment passed with bipartisan support but was then stripped from the bill during conference committee with no input from Republicans.


My hometown newspaper, the StarTribune, assures Minnesotans that there is no possible way that Democrats want to normalize pedophilia or ensure that pedophiles might have an easier time of it, and I trust that they believe this idiotic argument. They, after all, spend their lives pushing Democrat propaganda, and as often as not they believe it.

Of course, the paper only bothered to check the facts of this assertion by asking an LGBTQ activist, who we can be confident is totally unbiased and trustworthy, and a tort lawyer at a law school that actively promotes the alphabet agenda. They conveniently ignored asking any of the legislators, including lawyers, about why they are concerned about removing language that denies pedophiles protection under Human Rights laws.

Jess Braverman, legal director for Gender Justice, a St. Paul nonprofit that has advocated for the change, called GOP complaints “manufactured outrage.” To protect pedophiles in the HRA, the Legislature would have to specifically add them as a class, Braverman said.

Mike Steenson, professor of law at Mitchell Hamline School of Law, agreed with Braverman. “This doesn’t create some sort of broad-based protection for those who prey on minors,” he said.


They did note, however, that denying pedophiles the potential for protection under human rights laws was unacceptable to our very own legislative transgender activist, Leigh Finke.

In the House, Rep. Leigh Finke, DFL-St. Paul, denounced the GOP arguments and called the language in the act “a poison pill.”

Finke, the first transgender legislator in Minnesota, sponsored the bill to remove the language and add gender identity as a protected class, which is now in the public safety bill awaiting the governor’s signature. In her first session at the Capitol, she’s been verbally attacked both inside and outside the Capitol, with some Republican colleagues threatening to misgender her.

OMG, “threatening” to “misgender her!” “She”, first of all, is a “He,” and secondly the idea that using something other than his preferred pronoun is “threatening” is ridiculous.

Finke sees removing this language from the Human Rights clauses is a “poison pill.”

“Sexual orientation does not include a physical or sexual attraction by adults” is language so offensive that it is a poison pill. We can’t have that in human rights laws! It must be removed!

Tell me these people are not trying to normalize pedophilia. And the striking of language that prevents pedophiles from living near daycare centers and playgrounds seems to suggest that normalizing pedophilia is hardly enough. Access to children for them must also be preserved.


I kid you not.

Democrats are doing their damnedest to clear the field for pedophiles, short of legalizing the practice.

So far.

And they are succeeding, as you would expect. After all, they have the cover of The StarTribune, the largest and most influential newspaper in the state. I expect them to come out with an editorial attacking Republicans for slandering Democrats, and in a few years opining that open, loving relationships between adults and children is actually a good thing.

After all, that is how it works. It’s not happening. OK, it’s happening, but super rare. It’s happening and it’s a good thing, bigot.

It is always thus with the Left.

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