Hakeem Jeffries: border crisis is "fiction"

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

As I wrote earlier today, the Democrats and the MSM are still going with the “border is secure” claims while simultaneously blaming Republicans for any minor problems that may exist.


Karine Jean-Pierre persists in claiming that border crossings are down 90%, The Washington Post tells us that Biden is doing the best he can despite the intransigence of Republicans, and now Hakeem Jeffries is claiming that there really is nothing bad going on at all.

It’s a “fictional argument around what’s happening at the border.”

Biden is playing the role of Konstantin Chernenko in this play, The Washington Post is playing Pravda and Hakeem Jeffries is in the role of the blustering general in the outsized hat and jacket adorned with medals, shaking his fist at the imperialist in the West. The doddering fool, the naked propagandists, and the impotent blustering incompetent aligned in singing the same ridiculous tune.

As Americans watch footage of tens of thousands of border crossings a day, our Masters laugh in our faces, spouting obvious lies that all the Democrats repeat. Any deviation from the Party Line gets the deviant Democrats expelled from the good graces of the Party apparatchiks.

It is a bravura performance on the part of the Democrats/MSM. Their ability to sing off the same song sheet despite the chaos that surrounds them shows a remarkable ability to maintain concentration.


Perhaps, though, my Soviet metaphor is wrong. Jeffries might be Baghdad Bob, insisting that all is well as American tanks roar up behind him. The mere fact that the truth is literally right in front of his eyes means little. He has a job to do, and that job is to lie directly and convincingly to your face. Baghdad Bob lives in the UAE today, living well I understand. It pays to be a propagandist.

At least Baghdad Bob had an adversarial press to deal with, not the groveling media that colludes with the liars we have in America today. That the leader of the House Democrats can cavalierly assert an obvious falsehood without consequences shouldn’t surprise me, but I am still not immune to shock. Despite knowing in my bones that the MSM is filled with liars, cheats, and scoundrels, I still somehow expect that there is a limit to their shamelessness.

There is none. I guess having grown up in the 1970s I succumbed to the propaganda regarding the media as heroes, seeing Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman bravely taking on a president in the name of truth and justice.

That, too, was propaganda, and it worked. Woodward and Bernstein were mere mouthpieces for a disgruntled FBI guy who was angry Nixon didn’t make him the next J. Edgar Hoover. Today’s media is more like Nina Burleigh, who admitted that she would happily give Bill Clinton oral sex if he kept abortion legal.

I guess nobody told her that you don’t get pregnant from oral sex.

What is unusual, for a journalist, is Burleigh’s sexually charged declaration of support for Clinton. “I’d be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal,” she said.

But Burleigh says she was not “going easy on him” as a White House correspondent in 1993 and 1994, when she sometimes wrote about the Whitewater scandal, and never thought about his looks at the time. By last year she was a Time contract writer, filling in on the trip to Jasper, Ark.

“No doubt the president’s lawyers and spin doctors would say I wishfully imagined that long, appreciative look,” she writes. “But we all know when we’re being ogled. . . . I felt incandescent. It was riveting to know that the president had appreciated my legs, scarred as they were. If he had asked me to continue the game of hearts back in his room at the Jasper Holiday Inn, I would have been happy to go there and see what happened.”


Burleigh is the very model of modern reporters, who imagine themselves independent seekers of truth as they put on their kneepads and service the Democrats. Democrats are confident enough of their fealty and subservience that Mr. Jeffries can declare the border crisis a fiction and expect to have the assertion repeated.

The media themselves often tell us that we are deluded if we think they shade the truth in their reporting. They do so without fear or favor.

Yeah, right.

Americans say they don’t trust the media, and consciously, perhaps, they don’t. But the unconscious bias of trust is still there. Millions of Americans believe the Steele Dossier was real, that books are being banned, that Trump is in bed with Putin, and that Joe Biden remains sentient. Millions voted to elect a brain-damaged man Senator, based upon assurances that he was totally with it. The list goes on.

Even knowing that we are being lied to, we still somehow act as if we believe.

When the 2024 elections roll around, you can feel confident that either a majority or a near-majority of Americans will vote for continuing this farce. They may shake their heads a bit, and wish for something better. But they will vote for it anyway because, after all, the media has convinced them that the alternative is evil.

It’s ironic, isn’t it? They know they are being lied to by the media, but take the media’s word that Republicans are evil.

It never occurs to them that if the media is lying about the border, inflation, the economy, and everything else, then perhaps they are lying about the Republicans as well.


Naah. The Republicans must be evil. I saw it on the news.

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