KJP: illegal migration down 90% under Joe Biden!

Obtained by Townhall

This is great news! Time to pop the champagne corks, break out the canapés and brie, and have a big party.

Illegal migration is down 90% because of Joe Biden’s tremendously effective border policies!


I always suspected that all that whining by governors and mayors has been all over nothing. Sure, Mayor Adams of NYC has complained that illegal migrants are “destroying” his city, and outgoing Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot is begging Governor Abbot to quit shipping illegal migrants to her city.

It’s all just whiny politicians making a big deal about nothing.

Karine Jean-Pierre tells us so.

As you know the border was wide open under President Trump, presenting President Biden with a huge problem that he began addressing with Secretary Mayorkas immediately. Together they have secured the border, and the problem has been solved! At least 90% solved. The last 10% is always hardest.


The fact that many Americans don’t believe this merely proves the immeasurable power of the EVIL FOX NEWS which pumps misinformation into the minds of unsuspecting Americans, concocting videos of migrants streaming across the border, spreading tales of cartel-led rape gangs abusing children as they trek across Mexico’s deserts.

Fox even spreads evil propaganda about migrant children being forced into dangerous working conditions to pay off the outrageous fees that cartel coyotes charge to get them to the United States. The fact that the US government acted as a participant in a human trafficking scheme that has shoved thousands of children into forced labor is pure propaganda! Oops, that was the NYT, but they are unfortunately just shills for EVIL FOX NEWS.


Those photos of “kids in cages” at the US border are similarly faked because even Biden’s friends in the MSM are working against spreading the truth: illegal migration has fallen 90% under Joe Biden!

Under Obama those cages were “humane facilities,” under Trump, they were kids in cages, and under Biden, they aren’t needed anymore because the problem is solved.

I suspect that the only reason most Americans haven’t gotten the message that the border is secure is that Elon Musk bought Twitter, creating the illusion that over 6 million illegal migrants have emigrated to the United States under Joe Biden. He, too, is a minion of EVIL FOX NEWS, I bet.

Or he is just another evil spreader of misinformation?

Believe it or not, some people are under the impression that the Biden Administration has secret flights taking those non-existent migrants and dumping them around the country. This, too, must be false because the problem has evaporated before our eyes!


All this is further proof that we need a Ministry of Disinformation to suppress all this dangerous talk about an illegal migrant crisis at the border. Unless the authorities at the highest levels of government, who we know spread nothing but the absolute and complete truth, have control over every means of communication Americans will continue to believe that migrants are rushing the US border and overwhelming the Border Patrol.

Fox News has even convinced the head of the Border Patrol that the border is wide open, so we need authorities like Secretary Mayorkas to set the record straight.

It really disturbs me that the government hasn’t found a way to successfully crack down on misinformation. By now all Americans should know that the one and only source of reliable information is government officials and bureaucrats. Ask all the social media companies, who are trying desperately to suppress speech that contradicts the government’s narrative.


At least we have Karine Jean-Pierre as the voice of reason. Big Sister, as it were.

But honestly, until we arrest the leaders of Fox News, all the writers on Substack, and the Right Wing noise machine, Americans will continue to be deceived by the evidence before their very eyes.

We can’t have that, can we?

Thank God for Karine Jean-Pierre.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024