Sunday smiles

Sunday smiles

Will Spring ever arrive?

Perhaps you live in a part of the country that doesn’t emulate Siberia. I, unfortunately, live in Minnesota.

While we have no Gulags (yet) for political dissenters, our leaders are Stalinists. Gender Lysenkoism is practically a state religion. And with a $17.5 billion state surplus the legislature is feeling the fiscal pinch, so they are raising taxes.


Worse, we have snow in the forecast today. Again.

Not a lot of snow, mind you. Just the sad, sleety/rainy kind of snow that makes you think that reading Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky might cheer you up a bit.

Or an Ingmar Bergman movie with Death playing chess.

That is one of the reasons I like doing Sunday smiles. It gives me an excuse to scour the web for amusing memes, interesting tweets, and cute cats and dogs doing cute cat and dog things. Work and play mixed together.

I can’t make the air warmer, the sky bluer, or the politics any better, but I can turn that frown upside down for a bit.

With that, here is your weekly dose of smiles:





























































Your weekly dose of the newspaper of record


Back to cuteness

Yes, I read the comments, and more than one of you complained that I did that educational map thread instead of puppies, kittens, and flowers.


I listened, so you ungrateful wretches will get more of what you want: smiles and cuteness instead of boring educational tweets to expand your mind.


And now we go back to my regularly scheduled whinging about politics and the weather.

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David Strom 4:00 PM | October 16, 2024