EcoHealth Alliance created "mutant" coronaviruses in Wuhan using US grant money

Greg Nash/Pool via AP

Isn’t it funny that it takes legal action to learn the really interesting stuff when dealing with government?

A more cynical person than I might think that the government isn’t being straight with us.


Inconceivable, I know.

Still, one has to wonder when stories like this pop up into your newsfeed: Judicial Watch: Records Show Funding for EcoHealth/Wuhan Institute Research to Create Coronavirus ‘Mutants’ | Judicial Watch

I am certain that Anthony Fauci and company simply forgot that EcoHealth Alliance, a group that the NIH was pouring grant money into, reported for years about how they were funding research using US government money to mutate bat coronaviruses to make them more infectious in human beings.

Not just funding the research, but having success in making these viruses more infectious in human beings.


Given how busy Fauci and company are, I suppose one can believe that in the midst of an outbreak caused by just such a virus they could easily forget this little, obscure, and irrelevant fact.

It’s not like there anybody actually speculated that the virus came from a lab leak. Why would they? Sure, a few eminent virologists reported to Fauci that the COVID-19 virus sure looked engineered, but once they were browbeaten and then bribed they changed their story very quickly.


Besides, who could possibly care whether the single-most expensive public health disaster in modern history, costing uncounted trillions of dollars, millions of lives, political and social disruptions, and the slow-motion collapse of our medical system from distortions in care might have been caused by research funded then hidden by the US government in collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party?

It seems a bit churlish to make a big deal about it. So why not just forgive and forget? The government has been happy to help you forget by systematically working to distribute lies, misinformation, censor and even attempt to destroy the careers of people who are interested in the facts.

So far there is no definitive evidence that the virus that began circulating in 2019 and swept the world in 2020, killing millions, is one of the viruses that the EcoHealth Alliance engineered. There isn’t even absolute proof that the virus that circulated actually leaked from the lab into the wild.


But the evidence for the second is far stronger than the government wants to admit, and the MSM has worked diligently to leave the impression that the evidence is weak.

But come on. How stupid can one be? The balance of evidence is greatly in favor of a lab leak and reasonably solid that the virus was either “mutated” or “engineered.” Take your pick on that one. We know that this is the case because, despite a pathetic attempt to claim the source of the virus has been found, nobody takes that seriously.

No animal in the wild has been found to be a carrier of the virus.

None. Zip. Nada.

If they can’t find a natural reservior by now, there probably isn’t one. Not that most people in the know didn’t already expect that to be true.

Even today Pfizer may be mutating the virus (not engineering it) to predict further outbreaks. We know that they did this in Wuhan, because the documentation which the NIH tried to hide says so. It even reports success in achieving this goal, which isn’t difficult to do.

And we know Wuhan had terrible protection protocols. We know it because US government reports said so.

This should be the biggest story in the world. The US government and China likely knowingly funded the creation of a virus that killed millions and upended society, with devastating results that will be felt for decades, and then worked assiduously to hide that fact.


You would think that any competent reporter would die to write up a story like that. Instead they are working night and day to hide the pretty obvious facts. It takes the digging of conservative legal groups to ferret out the information, and the hard work of thousands of MSM reporters to bury it once again.

Our MSM turned the perpetrator of one of the greatest crimes in human history–a crime of negligence rather than outright malice, to be sure, but a crime nonetheless–into the hero of the story. They have built a hero out of a villain, and attacked the truth seekers instead of the coverup artists.

This is, unfortunately, very on-brand for the media these days. They are willing to do what would make a Pravda reporter under the Soviets proud.


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