JP Morgan Chief: Seize property to get to net zero

(Paul Morigi/AP Images for JPMorgan Chase)

You will own nothing and like it.

I’m sure that NPR will again insist that this is a conspiracy theory, but the fact is that the global elite has decided to accelerate their push to implement their modern, “nice” version of communism with alacrity.


COVID lockdowns gave them control over the means of communication and information, and climate change is their excuse for seizing your property and restructuring the economy to their liking.

They aren’t even being coy about it anymore. Klaus Schwab wrote his book The Great Reset and has a glitzy website filled with all the discussions you want about eliminating private property, closing down farming, eating bugs, and all the rest. It’s not a secret or a conspiracy theory. It’s right there to read.

You can also find all the links to the major transnational corporations, the powerful politicians, the WEF-connected bureaucrats who went through apprenticeships before moving into government, and even see the flight tracks of all the private planes which fly to Davos yearly filled with politicians, CEOs, NGO leaders, and all the actors and activists who lecture us about how evil we are and that we are the carbon they want to eliminate.

It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s all out in the open, and only gaslighting prevents people from grabbing pitchforks and storming the castle.

The latest bomb to drop came from Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan. Himself a billionaire and head of one of the largest financial institutions in the world, he is lecturing us that governments must now seize property to rush green energy projects into production in order to save Gaia from dying or something.


Forget the green energy projects. Those are nothing more than mechanisms to pass money off to favored people; the real point is seizing property from people.

Wind and solar aren’t reliable ways to generate electricity for the grid. Last summer we saw brownouts and blackouts due to an inability to meet the demand for power, thanks to “clean energy.”

But even if they were the Biden Administration won’t let anybody mine for the minerals to produce them, so more than anything else they are a subsidy to China.

Go figure. Biden. China. Who could have guessed?

But keep your eye on the ball here. Seizing property. Why would he say that?

The federal government already owns 28% of the land mass of the United States. In some Western States, the feds own the vast majority of the land, and nobody is putting tracts of solar panels in the Eastern US. All that colored area on the map? That is land controlled by the U.S. Government.

Finding a few acres to build solar or wind farms would be pretty easy if the feds wanted to, and Dimon knows that. There are precisely zero reasons to consider taking land from anybody in order to build anything. None. Zero. Nada.


As I said, seizing property is the point.

Climate change is just one more excuse to seize control of the economy and strangle the energy infrastructure to get control of you and your life. They plan to direct where you can live, where you can go, how you can get there, and what your job choices will be. You will be educated by Blue-haired eco-freaks who want to sterilize children, live in 15-minute cities, have bugs delivered to your door for your culinary pleasure, and do exactly what you are told or your social credit score will drop.

It really is that simple. Scare people; seize control of the information flow; seize property. Run the world.

It doesn’t take a complicated web of interlocking conspiracies and secret cabals to do this. It’s right there in the open. They are literally telling you what they want to do, and then showing you that they mean it by doing it. Look around. Are you freer or less free today than 5 years ago? 10? 20?

Spend a few hours cruising through the WEF website and you get a good picture of what these people want to do. Then just look at who goes to the WEF forum shindigs in Davos, and who hobnobs with him at the international meetings. It’s everybody who controls anything or who provides information to the masses.


It’s the entire Elite.

Nobody is hiding anything.

And yet we are the crazy ones pointing it out because it sounds so much like a James Bond novel. What they are doing is so insane, so improbable, and so evil that simply pointing it out makes you look crazy. Who could be this evil?

They can. They are. And they are coming for your cars, your electricity, your jobs, and your property.

This is the future they see for you. The elite, and the discontents. Which do you expect you will be?


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John Stossel 8:30 AM | March 09, 2025