Freedom is dying

Should offending alphabet people be a crime?

Well, if a law being proposed in Canada gets passed, it will be. Actually illegal to offend members of the LGBTQIA+++++ within 100 meters (about 300 feet) of a Drag Queen Story Hour.


It’s a provincial law for Ontario, so it wouldn’t apply to all of Canada. Yet.

But as we know what seemed insane 5 minutes ago becomes imperative 5 minutes from now–as long as the “oppressed” among us demand it. We also know that absolutely nobody in the Establishment cares a whit about free speech.

If you disagree with them, shut up peasant!

Just look at the podium. A flag invented a few days ago is adorned with an alphabet soup that was invented a few days before that. It is no longer LGBT or LGBTQIA++, but 2SLGBTQI+. What will it be in a few days, and what will the proposed punishment be for failing to salute the new flag with the newly invented letter combination?

You can’t keep track, and frankly, they don’t want you to. If they change it often enough you will mess up and run afoul of their demands for compliance–and then they have you where they want you. You can be canceled tomorrow for misgendering somebody or forgetting a letter in the alphabet.


Your compliance is good, but your fear of them is the real prize.

Every bit of this is designed not just to empower themselves–and obviously, this is now the most powerful, not the most marginalized group in the Western world–but also to demoralize their opponents. There are just enough people either willing to go along with it or too scared to oppose it that the alphabet people can shove it all in our faces. Along with their genitals.

A few years ago if you started a sentence like this: “a nonbinary, a wizard, a witch, two drag queens, two maskers, an AWFL, a child, a disabled minority, and a cis white male” it would be followed by “walk into a room, and the nonbinary says…”

By the end of the story, everybody would be laughing at the joke.

Now we need to cringe and beg forgiveness lest we lose our jobs or be carted off to jail. A man who believes he is a wizard requires our respect, and woe to us if we dissent.


Even the choice to remain silent can be turned into a crime if the right people decide it should be. You can be arrested for THINKING the wrong thing in Great Britain these days.

In one way I saw this coming years ago when I was in graduate school back in the 90s. Critical theory was everywhere, and “silence is violence” flowed freely off the lips of academics. People around me laughed off my worries that what was in academia then would spread like a fungus into society as a whole.

After all, what happens in college stays in college, right? Well, no, apparently not.

On the other hand, I never expected it to arrive so quickly. It percolated for years in Elite circles and only crept into society slowly. But then it blew up out of nowhere when Joe Biden got elected.

It’s like the floodgates opened, and COVID made that happen.

The misinformation censorship complex empowered all the censors to weigh in on everything.


While the Elites imposed it all on us, we have to share the blame for not taking them seriously. After all, it’s not like we had no warning it was coming. In fact, many people were pointing out the slippery slope we were already sliding down years ago.

When COVID hit we let them seize that opportunity and begin their “Great Reset.”

At some point, we have to quit running and fight back. The only other alternative is to let the Left impose first cultural and then economic Marxism. They keep saying they want to. They call it more benign names, but it’s not like they aren’t screaming from the rooftops about taking away our freedom and our ability to make a living.

These people pray to the Great Greta and the Female Penis. They demand you do as well.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024