NYT: that advice we gave you about disinfecting? It was harmful...

Paul Sakuma

Almost all the advice the MSM and the public health establishment gave during the height of the COVID pandemic was wrong.

Not just wrong. Harmful. Actively made things worse.


Americans went nuts during COVID. The mask frenzy was insane, for instance. A lot of people want to forget the actual use of force, the public shaming, the fights breaking out, and the denial of basic services because of mask mandates. But it was there, even though the people forcing this upon us either did or should have known that masks are useless.

This ignores the harm caused by the mandates, of course, of which there are many.

School closures obviously were a bad idea. They knew that too.

Universal vaccine mandates and constant boosters are a bad idea. Europe has already figured that out. In the US, the public health establishment clings to this idiocy.

I could go on, but I want to get to the current story: the NYT has dropped the obvious news that the attempts to sterilize everything were a bad idea, and are harming people. It was great for the companies selling the products, but bad for you and me.

You don’t need to disinfect so much” is an understatement. Actually, your obsession with disinfecting so much is harming you is the right way to put it.

The cleaning industry experienced a boom during the first years of the pandemic. Covid-19 cleaning protocols in schools, stores and other public spaces ratcheted up, with a spray and a wipe-down becoming de rigueur on every surface after every use. Fear of the coronavirus also prompted people to use more disinfectant wipes and sprays in their homes, and consumer spending on cleaning products increased 12 percent between 2019 and 2021. (The New York Times admittedly contributed to this disinfecting frenzy.)

We now know that the extra cleaning was unlikely to have helped limit the spread of Covid-19, but it did increase people’s exposure to the chemicals used in those products — some of which may be hazardous to health. Experts worry that repeated inhalation or skin contact can be harmful over time. Calls to poison control centers about cleaning chemicals also increased during the pandemic, primarily for accidental or intentional ingestion.



Does any of this surprise you? It shouldn’t. All this advice was given not to protect you against COVID–it didn’t. Most people in the United States have had COVID at least once, and many of us multiple times. The vast majority of those cases were mild or even asymptomatic, but all the damaging things they did to you succeeded in accomplishing the real goal: frightening the public into giving up their freedoms, and getting them to turn on those who didn’t want to.

Few things have created more division in our society than COVID policies. The amount of hatred, distrust, fear, and damage to our future caused by COVID policies is incalculable.

Sweden–much reviled by the COVIDiots–has the lowest excess mortality rate in the OECD. The US has among the highest, precisely because of the policies pursued by the two countries. Sweden was rational about the pandemic; the US and most OECD countries went insane, harming the populace.

Most of the experts The Times spoke to for this article said that they rarely, if ever, use disinfectants when they clean their homes, instead opting for soap and water. They also advised swaps to safer ingredients, such as disinfecting products that use hydrogen peroxide or citric acid. (Check out the E.P.A.’s Safer Choice program for more alternatives.)

“We definitely recommend people substitute with some D.I.Y. recipes instead of buying products off-the-shelf,” Ms. Geller said. “Even a dash of dish soap with a bit of baking soda can help remove that scum off your sink or out of your bathtub, and that can really help you to avoid some of the heavier, harsher chemicals.”


Why, exactly, are we hearing about this just now? It’s not because those “experts” the Times spoke with didn’t know all this before. It’s because telling people not to go crazy with fear didn’t help the narrative they were pushing.

Most Americans still haven’t clued into the fact that none of this was a mistake. They knew. The harm they caused was intentional.

By this I am not insinuating that they did it with secret glee, enjoying the pain they caused. In a perverse way, most of them believed they were “doing the right thing.”

That “right thing,” though, had nothing to do with protecting you from a virus. It has to do with you giving up your power to the ‘experts’ who supposedly know better how to run things than you.

All this was done to transfer power from you to them. The transnational elite believes they should run the world because normal people are too stupid to think for themselves, so they lied to you and caused all this harm to seize power that would never otherwise be there.

That is what the “Great Reset” was all about. At least Klaus Schwab is open about it. He even wrote a book telling us that.

These bureaucrats? They lied about it. Which is more evil? I’m not certain. It’s a toss-up.

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