Yesterday I made fun of Politico. Today I make fun of Politico. I could do so ad infinitum, I assume, but it would hardly be worth the trouble.
Still, they deserve to be shamed every once in a while. They treat themselves like a serious publication, and so does the MSM. It is even prestigious to appear there if you can believe it. There was a time when I would have gotten a jolt if I were published there.
So what has me laughing in their face today? This:
As an indictment looms for Donald Trump, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is poised to become the first prosecutor ever to bring criminal charges against a former U.S. president.
It’s a distinction that puts him in a high-profile but perilous spot.
— POLITICO (@politico) March 20, 2023
Alvin Bragg.
“By-the-book” prosecutor. Read that again. And again. And again. “By-the-book”
They actually wrote that. Alvin Bragg is Joe Friday or something. Alvin Bragg, Soros prosecutor. By-the-book.
It’s almost absurdist humor.
To be clear, Alvin Bragg does follow the dictates of a book nearly religiously, but it isn’t the one Politico wants you to think of. It’s this one:

Alvin Bragg is one of the prosecutors funded by George Soros and follows the same ideology as Chesa Boudin, the disgraced San Francisco District Attorney. The first move he made when entering office was to announce that he wouldn’t be prosecuting any number of crimes.
Equity, not justice, is his watchword.
Overall, Bragg’s position has been to reduce the number of prosecutions.
Just days after he was sworn in, Bragg issued a memo saying that he would not prosecute a list of crimes — including prostitution, trespassing, resisting arrest and most misdemeanors — in the interest of “safety and fairness” while noting racial disparities in incarceration. He walked back some of the memo under pressure one month later, but his critics say his measures have encouraged crime.
Bragg’s position on law enforcement is in the mold of other Georg Soros-backed DAs, including Kim Foxx in Chicago, George Gascon, who survived a recall effort in Los Angeles, and Chesa Boudin, the San Francisco DA who was successfully recalled. Soros, a billionaire progressive philanthropist, helped fund their elections through various non-profits and political action committees. In the case of Bragg, the progressive PAC, Color of Change, backed by Soros according to, donated about $500,000 to Bragg’s campaign.
This is the man whom Politico is trying to turn into a “by-the-book” prosecutor.
Bragg, the “I don’t want to prosecute criminals” prosecutor, is a quiet, apolitical man Politico tells us. Uh-huh. “Now, in Trump, Bragg faces what may be his most challenging adversary, as the low-key, politics-averse prosecutor prepares to take on the brash, mudslinging former president.”
Yep, Alvin Bragg is “politics averse,” save for his crusade to put Donald Trump in jail–a crusade that he himself has expressed doubts about. People literally quit their jobs over this stupid prosecution. Two different investigations into Trump dismissed these charges as unwinnable, but Bragg is so apolitical that he bulls through in the name of justice.
Crime in New York has skyrocketed under his leadership– “from 2021 to 2022, Manhattan’s seven major felony offenses (murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, grand larceny and grand larceny auto) rose by 26 percent to the highest since 2006.”
There’s no point going on about how insanely wrong Politico’s description is because even the most passing knowledge of Bragg’s tenure and his politics proves that even Bragg would admit that he is trying to rewrite the criminal justice book, not follow the instructions of the current one.
That was the whole point of the progressive prosecutors: their theory is that the criminal justice system is stacked against Black and brown people and that it has to be changed. That’s a very defensible position, if wrongheaded. It’s the same kind of thinking that had New York lower test scores because students weren’t passing competency tests. Rather than bringing everybody up, the Left wants to bring everybody down to the same level.
And, unsurprisingly, that is what motivates Bragg to go after the biggest target he can find. Trump may be Orange instead of White, but he would be a great catch for achieving a bizarre sort of “equity.” Putting a former president in jail would arguably even the score in his view.
Bragg reads from the equity hymnal, not the one promoting equal justice under the law. Because if he followed the “equal justice” book then too many Black and brown criminals would go to jail.
In yesterday’s installment of Politico’s idiocy I showed how the publication can’t read the Constitution.
Today we learned they can’t read ‘the book’ either.
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