Jesse Kelly schools Trump supporters

AP Photo/Matt York

I am not now nor will I ever be a NeverTrumper. He accomplished far more than I or others expected as president, and as exhausting as defending him was, those accomplishments made the exhaustion worth it.


As a person instead of as a president, Trump is a deeply flawed man with little self-control who oozes a kind of charisma that inspires great loyalty and great loathing. He also has a talent for getting himself and his supporters into a lot of trouble.

Trump himself usually wriggles out of that trouble, and may again. His supporters? They wind up paying a steep price.

In announcing his imminent indictment (an indictment that only Trump, so far, has proclaimed is happening), Trump called for mass protests. As you recall, Trump has done this before, and the results were the January 6th fiasco. While the Democrats have turned the riot that occurred into an “insurrection,” which is absurd, it was indeed a despicable riot in which protesters invaded the Capitol.

The result has been a ridiculous amount of drama that has benefited Democrats, and the persecution of dozens of Trump supporters.

Jesse Kelly, a syndicated conservative radio host has had enough of Trump’s willingness to sacrifice his supporters for his own sake.

Kelly has a point: so far the fallout from January 6th for Trump has been minimal. He has suffered calumny, but that was and would be true regardless of the protest. Trump inspires attacks just by breathing.


For his supporters who thought they were following his wishes? They have been rotting in jail and will continue to do so. Without any help from the former president.

Trump could have pardoned them before leaving office. He could have paid their legal fees. He could have raised funds for their defense.

Instead, he has bitched and moaned as they rotted in jail.

Now Trump is calling for mass protests again. Protests that would only serve the interests of Trump, not his supporters or those of the conservative cause. Would you want to put yourself at the mercy of the NYC prosecutor or a jury of Leftists?

Trump is even using this ridiculous prosecution as an excuse to attack the best governor in America, slandering him, implying that he is a sexual predator, a closeted homosexual…


This is despicable. And the calumny against DeSantis is being spread by both his paid and volunteer advocates on social media. Trump complains he is being slandered and goes on to slander DeSantis.

Whatever you think of the prosecution, the charge is based upon Trump’s inability to control his own appetites. He slept with a porn star, cheated on his wife, and then paid her off. He apparently did so using business funds, perhaps legally, perhaps not. In either case, his trouble began as most of his do: he couldn’t control himself.


Now he is asking, once again, for others to sacrifice themselves in order to defend him. He has even demanded that Ron DeSantis, the man he is currently running a smear campaign against, defend him using means that clearly violate the Constitution of the United States.

“Hey Ron, sexual predator, and closeted gay man, could you sacrifice yourself and the Constitution to help me out for a minute?” Trump has expended more effort attacking DeSantis than Alvin Bragg since the former president dropped the “news” he was being arrested today.

DeSantis has responded with far more dignity than I would. Especially when Trump surrogates post crap like this:


Donald could have avoided all this drama and legal trouble by not being a sexual pig. His appetites are his undoing. He almost lost in 2016 due to his comments about grabbing women by their privates. Now he faces charges due to his philandering. Those charges may be unfair, but the root cause was his inability to keep his mouth shut and his pants zipped.

Do Trump’s character flaws prove he was a bad president? Of course not. He was a good president. But he has done immeasurable damage to himself and the Republican Party by being a dissolute man.

Jesse Kelly is right that it would be stupid to sacrifice oneself in order to defend Trump in this case. Protests would do nothing to prevent his eventual arrest and prosecution in any case. They would only serve to endanger his supporters, who would be putting their fates into the hands of Leftist prosecutors, Leftist juries, and Leftist judges for no good purpose.

This is Trump’s fight, not ours. Alvin Bragg may be a politically motivated Soros prosecutor, but that is only more reason not to put yourself into his hands for prosecution on behalf of a billionaire who can afford the best lawyers in the country, should he choose to do so. Unfortunately, even there he has chosen poorly so far.


Trump has proven he won’t defend his supporters when they need him most. Don’t fall for his plea for help. Your loyalty will not be returned.

UPDATE: No indictment today. But Ron DeSantis still sucks for not defending Trump against an arrest that Trump predicted, but won’t happen as he claimed. It may still happen, but it sure looks like Trump leaked the “report” in order to trap Governor DeSantis.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024