Fauci gets schooled in DC

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Fauci worshippers won’t shut up about him.

Please, Lord, make them stop. Back in the day, God wiped away cities and turned people into pillars of salt. Now He has condemned a sick society to the fate of being led by fools. I prefer the earlier punishments, frankly.


PBS is airing tomorrow a documentary that includes footage from then NIAID director Anthony Fauci and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s 2021 trip to Anacostia, a D.C. neighborhood with the lowest rate of vaccination in the city. Their goal was to convince the vaccine-hesitant to inject the questionably effective spike protein concoction into their bodies, and it really didn’t go that well.

The whole affair was ridiculous and purely performative.

The segment begins with an unmasked Fauci in a car with 3 others putting on an ill-fitting cloth mask, making a mockery of the masking religion. Even if N95 masks worked to prevent COVID, cloth masks are a total joke. 4 people breathing the same air in an enclosed car, a cloth mask; clearly, Fauci is mocking us. A cameraman is inches away from him, which last I checked is hardly 6 feet.

COVID for thee, not for me. As you would expect, it was all performance.

The streetwise D.C. residents of Anacostia school Fauci in the distrust he and his have created among the populace. Whatever else the Black residents of the neighborhood have learned from the crappy public schools in D.C., their life experiences have taught them that people showing up from the government to “help” are usually full of crap.


They also drop some truth bombs on Fauci, who tries to convince them that the vaccine will prevent infection. Uh, nope. They know it’s not true, and that he is gaslighting him.

Fauci also drops the mask, so to speak, on his hatred for Republicans, calling them crazy and accusing us of keeping the pandemic smoldering. As if all those vaccinated weren’t getting COVID despite their “protection.”

“They’re Republicans. They don’t like being told what to do. We need to break that.”

The Leftist view is explained in 3 sentences.

I keep saying that what the Left is imposing on us has nothing to do with anything they claim; it is a pure play for power.

Don’t trust me. Trust Anthony Fauci.

I live in a majority Black neighborhood and one of the most interesting phenomena I have noticed is the attachment of Blacks to the Democrat Party despite a distrust of government generally deeper than any Republican’s. There is a love/hate relationship that is perplexing, although it has its roots in the 1960s civil rights movement in which the socialist Left allied with the Black civil rights leadership.


It’s hard to argue because the attachment is emotional, not rational.

While average Democrats were generally more racist than Republicans during that time (Martin Luther King and Richard Nixon were in constant contact while he was Vice President, and Eisenhower enforced the desegregation of the schools), the socialists really did stand by the Black community at the height of the civil rights movement. And the commitment was genuine, in a way the modern Democrat commitment to Blacks is not.

Hence I understand the loyalty, but it’s a loyalty that is tied to accepting socialism and all its ills. This is why many urban Black neighborhoods are as prosperous, healthy, and well-governed as any socialist country.

Still, Blacks understand that government saviors are usually charlatans. And it’s not like they have had a great experience with medical scientists. So while they have an emotional attachment to Leftists, they don’t actually believe what they say.

I am still convinced that for people with immune disorders, and perhaps morbidly obese people, the vaccine has more benefits than risks. It can mitigate the damage the COVID virus inflicts in the relatively few cases where the virus escapes the respiratory system and attacks the rest of the body. COVID can kill those people if it breaks out of the respiratory system and into the rest of the body.

But it’s clear that the risk/benefit profile is pretty bad for everybody else, and downright awful for healthy young people. That’s a conclusion that many European countries also share, having backed away from giving vaccines to people at low to moderate risk of severe COVID symptoms. The United States is now one of the most COVID fanatic nations in the world.


Hence the smart policy is vaccinating a particularly vulnerable segment of the population, and not anybody else.

Public health officials weren’t wrong about their claims about the vaccine stopping infection. They were lying. Any serious epidemiologist knew that you can’t stop a respiratory virus from infecting you with an injected vaccine. Fauci himself admitted that in a paper–once he retired. Here he is in a February 2023 paper:

Viruses that replicate in the human respiratory mucosa without infecting systemically, including influenza A, SARS-CoV-2, endemic coronaviruses, RSV, and many other “common cold” viruses, cause significant mortality and morbidity and are important public health concerns. Because these viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves, they have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines. In this review, we examine challenges that have impeded development of effective mucosal respiratory vaccines, emphasizing that all of these viruses replicate extremely rapidly in the surface epithelium and are quickly transmitted to other hosts, within a narrow window of time before adaptive immune responses are fully marshaled.

That was written by Anthony Fauci. Think about that. The same Fauci who gaslighted us for 3 years, and who viciously attacked the brave scientists who were criticizing his approach to the pandemic.


It’s ironic that the man on the street in Anacostia saw through Fauci’s bull crap, and more ironic still that PBS is doing a documentary about Fauci as the hero of the story. Fauci was the guy who got it wrong, and the people refusing to be victimized by him got it right.

The celebration of Faucism may please the PBS crowd whose self-image requires fealty to their false prophets, but it simply reminds the rest of us what idiots they are.

Unfortunately, enough of our fellow citizens either believe or tolerate the Faucists, so we wind up governed by clowns.

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