The Atlantic regretfully concludes that Trump supporters are dangerous and evil

AP Photo/John Raoux

Oh for God’s sake.

Tom Nichols at The Atlantic, who has been deranged about Trump for at least 7 years now, has decided to once again declare that he is done treating Donald Trump like just another politician and that we need to do something about Trump’s supporters.


Apparently, he and the MSM have been doing so up until March 2023. But no longer. They will finally let us know what they really think, consequences be damned.

It is finally time for some truth-telling!

Sane, sober Tom Nichols is finally going to admit that Trump is a bad guy (sad trombone sound) and that his followers are stupid and dangerous.

Finally. With sadness. He has been holding back, hoping to find some redeeming qualities in the plebs. Unfortunately, he must admit that we are all irredeemable pigs.  Something needs to be done to save Democracy™ and he is the one to do it.

We need to stop treating support for Trump as if it’s just another political choice and instead work to isolate his renewed threat to our democracy and our national security.

Get a grip, Tom. You have to start something before you stop doing it. You and your ilk have never treated Trump and his supporters as normal or even tolerable. You made it clear over the years how much you hate Trump and his supporters. Stop pretending this is a novel position.

Ever since your beloved Best President Ever™ Joe Biden got into the White House the country has been crumbling, our military started looking like this, and the president has been mumbling us into World War III (which, I was assured, Trump was doing when he brought peace between Israel and its neighbors).


And the best Tom Nichols and his ilk can come up with is “But Trump!”

Media, flummoxed by having a sociopathic narcissist in the Oval Office, treated Trump like a normal political leader, and soon we all—even me—became accustomed to the fact that the president of the United States routinely sounded like the guy at the end of the bar who makes you decide to take your drink over to a table or a booth. When Joe Biden won, I hoped that this strange fever gripping so many Americans would finally pass.

Yes. The media treated Trump like a normal politician and treated his supporters with respect. But they can’t do that any longer, because, sadly, they need to defend democracy against the people who are destroying it.

It is long past time to admit that support for Trump, after all that we now know, is a moral failing.

“Long past time” implies that this has not been Tom’s or literally every other Elite’s opinion since Trump came down the Trump Tower escalator in 2015. “Admit?” For God’s sake, Tom, you have been shouting this for 7 long years.

I take a lot of crap for not being a Donald Trump fan, but it’s easy enough to side with Trump against people who try this hard to gaslight me. Trump may be P.T. Barnum, but Nichols and his ilk are insufferable twits with far too much power. They are precisely the sort of people who think Randi Weingarten is a hero, not a villain. The Atlantic, often a fine magazine, publishes crap like this and expects to be taken seriously?


Trump’s most rabid supporters are indeed insufferable, as is the case with any fanatics. But fanatics are hardly unique to Trump. Every major political figure, and indeed every public figure, has similarly fanatical supporters. When Taylor Swift’s ticket sales glitched the United States Senate held a hearing–one of the very first hearings–on Ticketmaster. Don’t tell me that Trump’s fans are any worse than British football fans, or college sports fans who riot every time their team wins.

So don’t tell me that irrational attachment to a public figure is nuts. Is it more nuts than mobilizing the US Senate for Taylor Swift fans? Or, for that matter, the pundits who pretend that Joe Biden can still put a sentence together, no less run a government.

Trump gets support from nearly half the country because of people like Tom Nichols, who oozes disgust that they even exist.

The notion that a Serious Person™ like Tom Nichols can, in 2023, claim that he and the media have been treating Trump and his supporters with respect is not even laughable–it is bizarre. No media outlet has treated Trump or his supporters with even a minimal amount of decency or respect since…ever.

When, exactly, did a single MSM reporter treat Trump like a normal politician? When? When did Tom Nichols? Are we now supposed to sit up and take notice all of a sudden that Tom is finally done being nice?


It has been a nonstop primal scream of rage and hatred, and Tom is simply calling for a longer, deeper, louder, and more incoherent primal scream of rage and hatred.

He will dress it up as something else, but for a Never Trumper to shake his head in sadness and declare that he is done with treating Trump as a normal politician…that’s like a Sumo wrestler deciding that he will finally allow himself a bite to eat after starving himself for decades.

It doesn’t exactly ring true, you know.

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