Fauci "commissioned" paper to refute lab leak

Greg Nash/Pool via AP

Anthony Fauci has almost no actual intelligence regarding the source of COVID. Two eminent scientists had informed him of their judgment that the virus was likely manufactured, not natural. The virus emerged right next to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Chinese were being very cagey, hiding the evidence they had about the virus.


Fauci’s response? Hold an emergency conference call with the authors of the paper alleging an engineered origin, bully them into recanting, and “commissioning” them to write a paper saying the opposite of what they had claimed just hours before.

Watch Dr. Martin Makary explain the sequence of events.

Then, once the paper was written, wave it around as proof that other scientists believed what he did. And, eventually, ship $9 million in grant funds to the scientists he bullied into writing the paper.

That, my friends, is how the COVID origin story was manipulated.

New emails uncovered by House Republicans probing the COVID-19 pandemic reveal the deceptive nature of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

They show he “prompted” or commissioned — and had final approval on — a scientific paper written specifically in February 2020 to disprove the theory that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Eight weeks later, Fauci stood at a White House press conference alongside President Trump and cited that paper as evidence that the lab leak theory was implausible while pretending it had nothing to do with him and he did not know the authors.

“There was a study recently,” he told reporters on April 17, 2020, when asked if the virus could have come from a Chinese lab, “where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences… in bats as they evolve and the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.

“So, the paper will be available. I don’t have the authors right now, but we can make it available to you.”


“I don’t have the authors right now, but we can make it available to you.” Said the man who told the authors to write the paper. He was the final editor of the paper, and hence something of an author himself.

We all know why Fauci would do this. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon or even a supremely intelligent and articulate blogger like myself to know why, and I have written about this several times in the past. Ed just wrote about this in his post on Trump’s Op/Ed in the Daily Mail as well.

The reason: if the virus was engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and escaped, chances are near 100% that funding from Fauci himself had paid for the research through the EcoHealth Alliance. We already know that the NIAID has admitted that the organization has used government grants to fund gain-of-function research, against US government policy, and it would be really bad news for Fauci and company if it got out that a virus that would eventually kill millions and cost trillions of dollars was paid for by him and his organization.

Best to keep the possibility off the radar, and attack anybody who suggests it as a conspiracy theorist.

Does this mean Fauci knew then or knows now the actual origin of the virus? Of course not. Whether he knew or believed the virus was natural or engineered, escaped from the wild or a lab, he had exactly the same incentive: ensure that any speculation or argument that the virus escaped from the WIV was squashed.


I have been having a friendly argument with a dear friend about whether being cynical about the motives of our government overlords is destructive or not. She asserts that we should cut them slack and assume the best; I assert that they have done far too much damage, lied far too much, and exposed such venal motives that ignoring it is destroying our country.

I, of course, am right on this.

But I see the point. If you only pay modest attention and wish away the damage as an inevitable consequence of incompetence and good intentions, then I suppose it makes sense to give the benefit of the doubt. I certainly do for the first few weeks of mistakes.

But no, at some point accountability has to kick in, and the viciousness with which debate was squashed and dissenters attacked gives the lie to good intentions. The intentions were tyrannical, and there were winners and losers. The winners are now asking for forgiveness–while retaining all the power and money they stole during the “emergency.”

No. The Canadian truckers? They threatened their children, stole their money, and beat some of them up. People were censored, slandered, canceled, and impoverished. Educations were stolen. We were yelled at for questioning the evidence over useless interventions. The list of offenses is long.


And we haven’t even been apologized to, no less compensated for the damage.

It matters that Fauci lied and covered for himself. He did enormous damage that will persist for decades. How many crises exist, or are exacerbated by the lies he told?

And Fauci committed some of these offenses for no higher purpose than to cover his own ass.

We need a truth and reconciliation commission, at the very least.

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