The long shadow of Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Abbie Parr

The Minnesota Freedom Fund has set free many criminals who plague my community.

Set up to provide bail to felons, the organization has set free numerous criminals who have robbed, raped, and murdered once freed.


During the George Floyd protests Kamala Harris was a prominent supporter of the organization, raising funds that have likely been recycled numerous times to keep the arrest-to-prison-to-streets-to-arrest-to-murder cycle endlessly going.

Kamala has insisted that any accusation that she has contributed to the crime problem in Minnesota is misinformation since we can all rest assured that the money she raised only went to bail out the criminals who burned down blocks of my city that may never recover. These “peaceful” protests, which included violence, arson, a billion dollars in property destruction, and the destruction of local businesses, have led to great social progress.

Like increased crime, the hollowing out of our police force, hundreds of carjackings, and other civil rights achievements.

You know, all that good progressive stuff that helps turn cities in Chicago, Portland, or Seattle.

Fear not, my friends. Snopes assures us that Kamala is right and the facts are wrong. Because Kamala is good and fire is Orange or something. We know what orange means. Kamala is a civil rights champion, so by definition anybody she helped is good.

Here we are in 2023 and the Minnesota Freedom Fund is still freeing criminals who leave a trail of blood in their wake.


A homeless St. Paul man who told police he’d been driving around all day with others in a stolen vehicle while smoking meth and heroin prior to a crash that killed one of the passengers had been bailed out not once, but twice, in recent weeks by the Minnesota Freedom Fund in two other felony drug cases.

Devin Markus Chase, 31, has been charged in Ramsey County District Court with two counts of criminal vehicular homicide involving gross negligence and operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance, and one count of auto theft following last week’s crash that resulted in the death of 30-year-old Randi Lee Stone.

Mr. Chase is a model citizen and a credit to our community. Convicted of felonies at least 24 times according to Alpha News, he was bailed out twice in recent weeks by Vice President Harris’ favorite criminal charity.

Yes, I live in a state where you can have 24 convictions and still get released onto the streets. This is justice, liberal style.

After being advised of his rights, Chase agreed to speak to investigators. Chase told investigators that he had been living out of the Rogue for about two weeks with four other people, including Stone, Stone’s sister, another woman and another man. He said he didn’t know where it came from, but he assumed it was stolen and denied knowing who stole the Rogue.

Chase said the five of them drove to Northeast Minneapolis and bought methamphetamine and heroin on the morning of the crash. He told investigators that they drove around all day smoking the drugs they had purchased.


As I said, model citizen.

The Minnesota Freedom Fund exists to ensure that people like Chase are kept on the street, terrorizing the populace. Whether this is some sick idea of civil rights, a form of “reparations,” or sheer hatred for average people really doesn’t matter.

What matters is that there is now an industry, supported by the Left, whose sole purpose is to side with murders, rapists, robbers, and deviants of all kinds and inflict terror on the community.

Chase has a lengthy criminal history of at least 24 convictions which stretch the length of his entire adult life. His convictions include three felonies for burglary, theft, and domestic assault, as well as several other domestic assault or abuse convictions, and multiple driving after revocation, counterfeiting currency, theft, receiving stolen property, and drug convictions.

The new criminal complaint against Chase also noted that he has a prior gross misdemeanor conviction on criminal vehicular operation in Anoka County District Court in which he was involved in a hit-and-run while under the influence of alcohol.

Chase currently has two pending Hennepin County cases involving felony charges of drugs in one case charged in August 2021, and felony charges of theft and drugs in another case charged in January 2022.

Court records show warrants had been issued for Chase’s arrest in April 2022 after he failed to appear at scheduled court hearings in both cases. He was arrested on the warrants at the end of October 2022 and bail was set at $2,000 or $200 cash. A court document shows Minnesota Freedom Fund provided cash bail on Nov. 8, 2022, and listed both drug case numbers.


What I cannot understand, and never will, is the willingness that the people victimized by these thug-enablers to keep supporting the politicians and other Elites who inflict this on us.

At what point will people rebel?

Of course, the new voting bloc that keeps the Left in power is not working-class citizens, but the suburban liberals who simply tut-tut as they look at the chaos in the cities they are destroying. As long as it doesn’t happen to them, they can pretend they are being empathetic and supporting the rights of marginalized people.

I think it’s time to plan my exit and move somewhere sane. I was thinking of Utah or Idaho, although I hear the Californians are moving in. When my wife retires, we are out of here.

Ed keeps on inviting us to Texas. Hmmm.

Update (Ed): Well … some of y’all, anyway.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024