Republicans pounce!

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

When Republicans do something wrong, that’s the story. Endlessly repeated. Embellished. Exaggerated. Dissected. It is emblematic of everything that is wrong with the party.


When Democrats do something wrong, Republicans’ criticisms are dismissed, ridiculed, and cited as emblematic of everything that is wrong with the Republican Party.

It happens every time, and can be summarized by the phrase “Republicans pounce!”

It’s an old formula, trotted out every time the Democrats screw things up, or a Democrat commits some unforgivable sin. The media immediately turns the story into how awful the Republicans are for pointing out the failure. Democrats are above that sort of thing. They never fairly or unfairly criticize their political competitors. They are too sober, too fair, and too forgiving.

But Republicans? They POUNCE on every little thing, like the poisoning of the Ohio River watershed and the burning of a million gallons of vinyl chloride, which if you come to think of it is no big deal at all.

It’s not like it’s carbon dioxide or anything. Or the emissions from a gas stove, which turn little children into vegetables if you cook them Mac and Cheese for dinner.


“Gone beyond known facts?” You would never see such a horrible thing in the MSM, where after every plane crash the commentators wait soberly for the facts to come out. After every viral video of children being harassed by activists, they refuse to suggest that young minors have punchable faces. I remember how careful everybody was after the Covington kids were filmed.

Or Kyle Rittenhouse? Every single MSM figure weighed the evidence carefully and gave Kyle his day in court before characterizing the shootings. Those “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” were covered well too, as was the “hands up don’t shoot” Michael Brown killing.

Oh, come on!

One of the reasons why the speculation is running rampant and the fears are pegged over 120 dBs is that the government has been utterly opaque about the disaster. The Biden Administration is refusing to help, Mayor Pete has been joking on TV while toxic chemicals are spewed into the air, and blame is shifted to Donald Trump.

The buck stops…over there, somewhere. Did you see how orange the fire was? That is Donald Trump’s color!

I am certain that the Trump Administration bears some of the blame, as does the Obama Administration and the Bush Administration. But the fact is that the Biden Administration is in charge, has its president-in-waiting Mayor Pete in charge of a trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, and the feds are just shrugging and assuring everybody that there’s no problem.


We are all being told not to worry, everything is safe. No problem. Look away, nothing to see here at all…

Uh…there’s a huge plume of black sooty toxic chemicals going up into the air. SOMETHING bad is happening. Vinyl Chloride is in the river, the NWS had a page plotting the plume’s movement until…they took it down. Animals are dying. Is it wrong to be scared?

You’d be an idiot not to be.

Every time a turtle is found with a plastic straw in its nose it is national news. But a train derailment in a Red area of Ohio happens and the best we get is that “we are testing the air and it is fine.”

Animals are dying. Fish are dying. Toxic chemicals are in the river. That’s not fine.

But Joe Biden is president, so the story is “misinformation” by conservatives. Because the government never spreads misinformation. It is totally trustworthy. Ask Anthony Fauci.

It is maddening.

Do I know that we are facing Chornobyl 2.0?

No, I don’t. Because I don’t trust a word I am being told. What I can say definitively is that I am damn glad I don’t live there, and it sure isn’t comforting that Pete Buttigieg is staying away. Why? Because it is unsafe?


Is that an unreasonable speculation? No.

Misinformation and disinformation are whatever the establishment doesn’t want you to think, whether it is true or not. Remember when it was misinformation to say that natural immunity was better than vaccines? I do. Now it is established fact.

Oops. My bad. Sorry about forcing you to take a vaccine you didn’t want or need. Hope that there were no complications or deaths for you and yours.

Somebody please tell us what the hell is really going on. It sure isn’t the Biden Administration or the MSM.

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