Biden insults Border Patrol, pushes anti-police propaganda on them

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Was it tone deaf, or an actual insult?

I lean toward the latter, because how tone deaf can you be if your job is doing internal communications for a government agency?


Well, maybe it was just tone deaf, then. After all, we are talking about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion officials in the Biden Administration. They are probably some of the least empathetic people in the universe.

Whichever it was, the distribution of these flyers to Border Patrol agents in celebration of Black History Month generated some serious blowback for the Biden folks.

When I saw it, my first reaction was: that is a really stupid and ineffective way to promote the message of Black History Month. Whether you think the idea of a month dedicated to Black History or any other worthy cause makes any sense, we have descended into a hellscape where every group, disease, flower, bush, flea, and tick has a day or a month, so I have no particular beef with the concept.

In a sane world Black history would be recognized as an important component of American and world history, but I am not going to get my undies in a bunch over this.

But this flyer? It’s stupid, confusing, pushes a lot of unsavory messages, and insults the law enforcement officers to whom it is aimed.

The Border Patrol is the largest law enforcement agency in the United States, has been subject to all sorts of criticism about their mission and their so-called racial insensitivity. So the Diversity Office of Customs and Border Protection sends them a flyer filled with messages that denigrate law enforcement?


That is how a lot of Border Patrol agents see it. They have been subject to a massive amount of criticism from the Biden Administration and their supporters, and this is just an insult on top of all the injuries.

The Biden administration distributed “Black Resistance” flyers to U.S. Border Patrol agents that celebrated the Black Lives Matter movement and anti-American activist Colin Kaepernick, causing a stir among officers who criticized the agency’s promotion of groups that hate law enforcement.

The agency circulated a poster that features the words #BlackPower, #BlackLivesMatter, and “Abolitionist,” as well as watermarked images of Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) and Kaepernick, according to a copy of the flyer obtained by Townhall. The flyer infuriated officers, who say the agency is promoting people who “hate” them.

“BLM hates us, so does Maxine Waters,” one officer told the outlet. “Kaepernick hates us. They’re anti-police advocates against the nation’s largest police agency.”

This isn’t just idle kvetching; Black Lives Matter singled out the Border Patrol in particular for criticism:

Black Lives Matter said in a 2021 statement that the CBP is “rooted in white supremacy and a history of slave-catching.”

Sending flyers to agents linking BLM to social justice wasn’t likely to elicit a positive response from the agents, and it didn’t.


Agents, who frequently say they’re overwhelmed by the stream of immigrants to the border, were told to “participate in local Diversity and Inclusion Program Committee activities at headquarters and various field offices in honor of National Black History Month,” Townhall reported.

More than five million migrants have crossed into the United States since Biden took office, the largest number in history. Former president Barack Obama’s Homeland Security secretary said the problem under Biden is “much bigger” than at any point during the Obama administration.

Townhall broke the story, because the MSM clearly isn’t interested in stepping in front of the diversity initiatives pushed by Biden, and they share his disgust for defending the Border. As you recall, the MSM and Biden spent weeks smearing agents as racists using whips on illegal immigrants, and it took conservative media outlets to defend the agents by getting the true story out.

Julio Rosas of Townhall gives some interesting insight into who was involved and how it happened. As usual, at the root of the problem was activists pushing a ridiculous agenda:

According to CBP, the PDO “utilizes local Diversity and Inclusion Program Committees (DIPCs), comprised of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) employee volunteers, to build upon diversity awareness and inclusion within our workforce. PDO staff provides local CBP management and DIPCs with leadership, support, and direction in the execution of CBP’s Diversity and Inclusion Management Plan and affirmative employment obligations.”

“Each year the theme for National Black History Month is selected by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, established on September 9, 1915, by Dr. Carter G. Woodson. This year’s theme is ‘Black Resistance in the Past, Present, and Future.’  The poster includes names and historical reference representative of Black Resistance. CBP distributed the poster along with information about the process for establishing the theme to advance the educational intent of Black History Month,” a CBP spokesperson told Townhall.


In any event, there was nothing educational about the flyer sent, and it had exactly the opposite effect than it was supposed to have, if they were honestly trying to promote tolerance and understanding.

It turned out to be just another example of the Biden administration insulting the people whose job it is to secure the border.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024