They really really want you to eat bugs

(Gabriele Putzu/Ti-Press/Keystone via AP, file)

We constantly joke about how the World Economic Forum and the rest of the transnational elite want you to eat bugs. We probably shouldn’t, because in fact they do want you to eat bugs. They really really do, and they are promoting the idea like mad. They deserve ridicule, of course, but not dismissal.


After all, they have a lot more power than you or I.

It’s not that the Leftist Elite™ has a particular love or hate for bugs–at least I don’t think so–but rather that they are determined to radically restrict agricultural production of all types, and animal husbandry in particular. You are probably aware of the farmer protests going on in Europe. They are driven by the fact that European governments are shutting down agriculture in order to meet climate change goals.

They aren’t even just targeting farm animal production; they are actually limiting the use of fertilizer. They claim it is to reduce pollution. Ironically, the same governments reducing food production in the name of climate change are still going full speed ahead with using ethanol for fuel in the name of climate change. Reduce food production, but still convert food into fuel. Smart.

Substituting bugs for other forms of protein is supposed to be climate friendly, and hence desirable. I have to admit to more than a bit of skepticism that the Klaus Schwabs and John Kerrys of the world give a damn about the climate, given their propensity for lavish lifestyles and transportation by private jet. But they claim they do. They are determined that you and I reduce our carbon output so that they can enjoy their lifestyle without guilt.


Perhaps I am being paranoid (I am not), but I think the most important reason that bugs are on the menu for the plebeians is that eating them is totally humiliating. If you can convince people to give up hamburgers, sausages, steaks, and bacon you can lead people to do just about anything. Forcing people to eat bugs is a way to make people submit, and submission is the point.

The campaign to get people to eat bugs has been going on for a long time, but lately it has gone into overdrive. Bug promoters see inflation worries as a real opportunity to encourage people to switch from meat to insects, and they have seized the opportunity. Funny how that works–never let a crisis go to waste and all that.

The push for inserting insects into our diets comes from the highest levels of our government and culture. There is no demand for edible insects just dying to be filled. Animal husbandry is being squeezed, and globalist financiers are investing in bug production. Celebrities and marketing gurus are being recruited to push the product. And the result will be a scarcity of animal protein and a surplus of insects going cheap.


Voila! Insects on the menu.

Will the plan work? Surely not in the short term. But longer term, as meat production gets squeezed more an more? It’s hard to say. The world is large and lots of other countries will be happy to expand meat production to meet the desires of consumers.

Perhaps Europe will impose import fees in the form of a climate tax, or find other ways to limit supplies of meat. If they are serious about switching the plebs to a bug diet they will have to do much more than just make bugs available.

In any case, Americans are mostly made of sterner stuff, and I suspect crickets will remain a niche food in the way that veganism remains a niche diet. At least I hope so.

No matter what, though, it is incumbent upon us to push back against the WaPo and other media elites trying to literally shove bugs down our gullets. They deserve ridicule and worse. I intend to keep directing my ire at them, and you should too.


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