Selling hate, wholesale and retail

These women have their dream job: venting their hatred upon people while eating great food and getting paid gobs of money by the people they are abusing.

They are race dominatrixes.


It’s the perfect metaphor for American society in the 21st century. Privileged whiny grifters getting paid to abuse whiney white women whose lives are so empty that getting insulted is an improvement. They would otherwise probably be drinking wine alone reading Twitter or a romance novel, so why not engage in a bit of moral posturing to make the time pass?

Regina Jackson and Saira Rao have built a nice little empire around this grift. Founders of Race 2 Dinner, the perfect post-modern business. Styling itself in all the buzzwords beloved by the gauzy-minded overeducated and under-stimulated privileged of our culture, Jackson and Rao extract $5,000 a pop for 8 women to enjoy nice food and get harangued by nasty harridans about their White Privilege.

To accentuate the atmosphere, they even employ a White woman as the resident lackey. She gets to abase herself and encourage others at the dinner to do the same. Lisa Bond is the “Resident White Woman” struggling to rid herself of her supremacy over her employers and the non-Whites of the world. I am certain she will fail to do so, because if she ever did the grift would go away. Must remain supremacist or it would prove that being White and White Supremacist are not the exact same thing.

And it is that contention that is at the heart of the grift. And as with being a bureaucrat fighting poverty, you cannot dare solve a problem lest your job go away. Evil must persist or the paycheck is gone.


Rao and Jackson are truly awful people, although no more awful than their clients. Each of them finds meaning in their lives not by doing good things, but through declaring that others are really bad people. The self-flagellation of the White women is purely performative. Nobody in the room really wants to hold anybody in the room accountable for any acts they themselves have committed.

Despite what they say–idiocies such as “liberal white women are the most dangerous” people–none of them believes it of themselves. Condemning “White Women” as a class is actually about absolving oneself and elevating everybody in the club to a moral height none of them deserve.

“Look! We paid $5000 to get an exorcism of our Whiteness! We are pure of heart!” Time for a swig of expensive wine now.

The dinners are cult-like:

The participants are subjected to cult-like discipline to break them down. Jackson calls this technique provoking a ‘significant emotional event’. Women who cry during their re-education are punitively made to sit alone in a different room because white women’s tears are also tools of white supremacy because they distract from Rao and Jackson. While one of the guests explains her reasonable concern that her son may become an actual racist if he is told that his entire existence is a form of racism, Rao reverts to form and talks about herself. She evasively tells another of her many implausible anecdotes: that her very young son was approached by a stranger and told his ‘skin is disgusting’, in Denver, in 2019. Another participant suggests that we’d do better to treat one another with love and empathy, and assess individuals by their values and personal context rather than by their skin colour. She is dismissed as a hokey white supremacist. Some Karens just don’t get it.


If the women weren’t paying for absolution and feeling the need for it, a rational host would throw these women out for being assh0les.

Rao and Jackson may be sincere in their hatred of White Women. Rao ran for Congress and blew up her race by openly expressing her hatred of Whites, and continues to spew hatred on the platform regularly. “She shared a New York Times op-ed with the headline, “Should I Give Up On White People?” and wrote in response, “Short and long answer: YES.” The blowback was intense…” She has the same Twitter manners still, because it works for her.

Rao and Jackson have turned their runaway success in hating women at the retail scale into a great wholesale hate business as well. They have produced a (of course well-reviewed) movie called “Deconstructing Karen” and have expanded into writing books and running an internet training program to spread hatred and venom across the country–for a nice price too! For $750 you can be trained online to hate yourself and others! Good deal!

Race2Community is an 9-week community building program designed to help white women unravel the whiteness within. Over the course of the program, you will engage in deep introspection surrounding your own internalized white supremacy, participate in group discussions through our online forum and build community with cohort members.


Introspection and intellectual onanism are cheap at $750. And given that it is online, the incremental cost of each customer is zero, so the profit potential is far greater than these dinners at 5 grand a pop.

“Deconstructing Karen” the movie is exactly as you would expect. Ridiculous people behaving ridiculously, hateful people being hateful, and Babylon Bee writers taking notes for endless parodies.

Here are some clips for your enjoyment.

Here’s the description on IMDB:

Rao and Jackson are “risking their lives” doing this work? Maybe when they hop into their BMWs to drive to the dinner parties. Every moral preener has to be “stunning” and “brave,” I guess.

The movie is more of an advertising tool. Documentaries are not big money makers, but like an infomercial it can spread awareness and draw in customers for the books and trainings. The books are of course runaway bestsellers.

If I had a socially suicidal streak I would start a parody Twitter account that did nothing but tweet exactly what Saira Rao said, but substituting a random race in place of “White.” It would of course get banned in an instant for being hateful, and I would get cancelled in an instant. I would be fired, vilified, and have to go into hiding for being a White Supremacist.


But say the same things about White people and you become a zillionaire hero, paid to lecture White people about how evil they are.

It’s hard to resent Rao and Jackson, because they are filling a need in the marketplace. If it weren’t them it would be somebody else. You could even argue that Robin DiAngelo, a White woman and author of White Fragility, pioneered this grift, and it was about time some minority women got a piece of the pie. DiAngelo, after all, is inevitably a White Supremacist and hence getting rich on the backs of black and brown women.

Better to have black and brown women get rich off the backs of rich white women.

The 21st century is turning out to be absurd. In the 20th century America confronted the twin horrors of communism and fascism, facing them down and beating them on the literal battlefield. We also confronted our worst failings as a country–institutional racism–and outlawed it.

With most external enemies slain (China and Russia are returning as existential enemies, but Islamic terrorism got only one serious blow in and was mostly suppressed, at least until Joe Biden began his march to revive it) Americans have turned inward to find dragons to slay. White people apparently fit the bill.

None of the people fighting “White Supremacy” have any intention of actually winning this battle–they explicitly tell us that it is impossible to do so. To be White is to be White Supremacist. It is essential to our being. This makes it a perfect grift because the need never goes away.


Except, perhaps, if Whites decide they no longer are interested in mainlining guilt to give meaning to their lives. There are, in fact, better ways to spend your time and money than hating yourself.


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