Jake Tapper calls it for the Republicans


Not quite, but despite the last minute attempts of some Democrats to claim that things aren’t so bad, Tapper drops this:


A few Democrats are still shouting from the rooftops that it’s not over until the fat lady counts the votes, but most are conceding that things aren’t looking so hot for the Dems. All the visible signs are that the Democrats are facing an historic wipeout on November 8.

Even most spinmeisters, while sugar coating the results a bit, can’t work up the effort to claim that Tuesday will be anything but a disaster. They plead, they beg, they implore, but they don’t expect anything to go well.

That is, except for this delusional optimist who Politico profiled today.

Simon Rosenberg is the head of the progressive think tank NDN, and he has a message for jittery Democrats on the eve of the midterms: cheer up! This week on the Playbook Deep Dive podcast we sit down with the Democratic Party’s apostle of optimism.

“I’m not sitting here and telling you we’re going to win,” Simon told us over lunch this week. “What I’m telling you is that the narrative about this election, about there being a red wave— there isn’t one. There never has been.”

If you spend a lot of time on political Twitter, you have no doubt encountered Simon’s tweets and threads over the last few weeks. He’s built a large and loyal following of Democrats looking for silver linings amid the clouds of negative media coverage about their party’s prospects in the midterms.


To which I respond:

The Democrats are facing an epic disaster that will make Hurricane Ian look like a springtime drizzle. We are at a moment in time rarely seen in politics, where the President of the United States can give a Prime Time address claiming that the very future of the Republic is at risk and the reaction is a complete shrug. Nobody cares. Nobody is listening. Biden owns the “bully pulpit,” but it is made of balsa wood and was nailed together by a 3 year old with a Playskool hammer.

Biden can shout all he wants. The MSM can implore us in serious tones that “democracy is on the ballot” and “election deniers™” will destroy the union, but again, nobody cares. It is the tantrum of a child, not the warnings of serious people. Biden is a character from the Simpsons, not the Franklin Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln we are supposed to see in him.

A reckoning is coming, and while it will not be nearly harsh enough to teach most Democrats a lesson. The backroom consultants for whom issues don’t matter and winning is the only metric see the writing on the wall, and are battening down the hatches for the impending storm.


As I wrote in my VIP column, the Democrat coalition is toast, and like Humpty Dumpty all the King’s horses and all the King’s men won’t be able to put it back together again.

Democrats will regain power at some point, but only after they build a new coalition. And only after Republicans inevitably screw things up.

Soon it will be our task to fight against the Republican insiders who are licking their chops at the feast they see set before them. Many of them are mirror images of the Democrat consulting class, indifferent to outcomes as long as the gravy train continues.

They are as amoral as the Democrats, and we need to sweep them away as badly as this crop of Democrats.

It will be a tough task, but we can wait until we gorge ourselves on schadenfreude. We deserve to gloat, and I for one intend to indulge to my fill.

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