
Europe's winter of discontent

Europe is in trouble. Very big trouble.

The continent has been wracked by protests that haven’t been sufficiently covered by the American media. Protests in the UK, in France, in Germany, in Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium…. Pretty much every populace is up in arms about what is happening to their countries, their livelihoods, and their prospects for the future. As much as the prevailing Narrative™ is that the EU is the place to be™ and that America should be more like Europe, things are bad over there and getting worse.

If anything, Europe is in worse shape than the US, and that’s saying something.

A reckoning is coming that could bring down governments across the continent, threaten European unity, and perhaps the E.U. itself. The latter would be a tall order indeed, as the wholly undemocratic EU is woven into everything in Europe, but unless things radically change things are going to get very unpredictable and perhaps slip out of control of the ruling elite. In any case, unless they change course Europe is in deeper trouble than it already is.

The great irony, of course, is that we were warned that if Donald Trump were elected the world would slide into World War III, the economy would collapse, and democracy itself would be at risk. Now, each of these things is happening, only it is the Establishment’s Joe Biden and the transnational elite Trump was fighting that is leading us along this path.

As is so often the case these days, those who warn of impending doom are bringing it themselves.

Public support for Ukraine is hardly the biggest problem facing the EU. Public support for European governments and even the EU are at stake. As you have probably noticed, Italy just flipped the bird at the EU overlords in their recent elections, and Eastern Europe isn’t pleased by the direction the European Union is taking. As of now these countries judge, probably rightly, that they get more from being in the tent than outside it, but that may not always be the case.

The mainstream media has given some coverage to the protests wracking Europe, but they really haven’t done a good job of it. For every story covering the grievances of Europeans there seem to be 5 about how fascism is rising across the continent. The transnational elites believe that citizens are wrong to gripe about being forced to shut down farms, be condemned to blackouts, face heating restrictions, and deal with the rising crime due to almost unlimited immigration from non-Western countries.

In the real world, the protesters in Europe, as were the protesters in Canada, are in the right and those at the top entirely in the wrong.

The revolt against the Elites is being portrayed as a revolt against Western Liberal Democracy rather than what it is: average people fighting to to regain power over their lives and over their governments. Transnational elites have been slowly but steadily seizing power. They are imposing an agenda that dismisses the concerns of everyday people and propagates policies designed to satisfy the values of what I and others call the Davos crowd. Opposing the EU is not fascism, it is opposing creeping fascism with a smiley face.

At the heart of Europe’s discontent is not Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine or even the results of the disruptions caused by the response to COVID; the underlying cause is the growing disconnect between the interests and desires of the average European working for a better life and future for their (too few) children–and the interests and desires of those who are at the top of the economic, cultural and political pyramid. The agenda being set at the top by those in power is antithetical to the well-being of the plebs.

Those of us who focus our attention and our ire on the World Economic Forum are often dismissed as cranks and conspiracy theorists, but the WEF is not only very real, but the agenda being pushed from Davos is also real and actually easily accessible. The term “The Great Reset” doesn’t come from Q-Anon, but from their own propaganda. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF even wrote a book you can buy called “The Great Reset.” If you want an idea of the contours of the dystopia they have planned for you, it is summarized in a nice book written by the man himself.

Schwab lays out what the World Economic Forum is and how they work in his video “Reflections from the Founder” of the WEF. Here is the version on YouTube. You can also find it on the WEF website, but I couldn’t embed it here. The video is rather long–over 15 minutes, but it gives you a flavor of how the World Economic Forum presents itself and what it sees as its mission.

The agenda is not secret, nor is it really a conspiracy. It is simply the logical extension of what elites have been arguing for since the end of World War II. They believe that a peaceful and glorious future can only be achieved by establishing a world government, or its equivalent, through installing acolytes into governments around the world. They believe in the imposition of a technocracy which substitutes the judgment of educated elites for the will and expressed preferences of the citizens of the various countries. This is nothing new, and from their perspective the opposite of nefarious. They–I would think–genuinely believe that the world would be healed and nearly a utopia were they able to implement their plans.

They also believe the alternative is a collapse of the world, so gaining power over we mere mortals is absolutely vital. The fate of the human race is at stake. When the stakes are this high–an emergency that threatens extinction–extraordinary measures are required.

Their vision is a United Earth, as it were. One where the economy–really everything–is managed from above by a wise and loving technocracy. If you have read science fiction or near-future literature you have probably read some version of this future, and it is embodied by the most recent, more woke Star Trek. You know, the one where Stacey Abrams is the President of United Earth. You know Stacey, The Real Governor™ of Georgia.

They don’t strut around like peacocks out in the open, sipping wine and eating caviar in the Alps while being filmed doing so because they are worried about being caught. They just genuinely believe that they are all that is right and good and true and beautiful, and that we the plebs should let them rule over us. In this modern, interconnected world facing so many challenges, the experts should rule.

You know, like how they seized power during the pandemic. Just like that. They are the science. They are the experts. They know what must be done. Let them do it.

If you watched the video above one thing becomes clear: Schwab and the Davos crowd aren’t speaking to you and me. They speak to each other. The world “leaders,” of course, must sell the agenda to the plebs, but there is a reason the technocrats rarely speak to any of us. We are their obstacle, not their ally. Schwab’s use of buzzwords means something to his real audience, but to most of us it sounds…well, abstract, disconnected from reality, and like something you would hear at a corporate retreat before the dinner is served by the masked servants.

Unsurprisingly, after years of getting pushed around by these self-important A-holes average Europeans are starting to fight back. Those of us steeped in politics always wonder why it takes so long for people to get revved up about what is being done to them, but we always forget that for most people the goal is not to be on the front lines of a cultural or political war, but rather to live a decent life with their family in a community that works reasonably well. Fighting back is a last resort, not a first.

Yet fighting back is where they are, at least for people the people who are getting crushed by the policies of the Elites™. And the policies hitting them hardest are almost all, in some way, tied to the climate change hysteria.

Here in America we are all familiar with the pain at the pump caused by spiking energy prices, and Europeans are getting killed just as we are by the energy crunch. Actually, the pain there is and will be worse, because Europe is farther down the “kill off fossil fuels” rathole than we.

But what kicked off the protests last spring wasn’t spiking energy prices, but a more bizarre climate-related set of policies that Americans so far are unfamiliar with: restrictions on the use of fertilizer due to Nitrogen pollution. You may have heard of the farmer’s protests that kicked off in The Netherlands and that have spread throughout Europe, but it is difficult to both understand the scale of the crisis and the utter stupidity of the policies. Or, if not stupidity, sheer evil.

Most people don’t know this–I sure didn’t–but The Netherlands is the second largest food exporter in the world. Tiny little Netherlands exports more food than any other country other than the United States. It is an agricultural superpower, feeding much of Europe. It is amazing. Especially given that 25% is below sea level, and most of the rest is less than 3 feet above sea level. It is a miracle.

And it is that fact that put it in the crosshairs of the WEF and the EU. They want to slash the size and productivity of agriculture everywhere, but especially in Western industrialized countries. Not, they assure us, for nefarious reasons, but to eliminate pollution and reduce climate change. These are Very Important Priorities, and the production of food and the economic well-being of farmers must be sacrificed for this higher good.

As the Netherlands has committed to protecting the so-called Natura 2000 areas within its territory, it’s obliged by the EU to limit its emissions of nitrogen to an acceptable level.

Natura 2000 is a network of nature reserves in Europe. The protected areas function as a safe haven for threatened species and habitats, where human activity is prohibited. The Netherlands has over 160 Natura 2000 areas within its state borders, which (perhaps surprisingly) is not a lot, relative to many other countries.

By 2030, the Dutch government wants to (and has to) reduce the country’s nitrogen emissions by 50%.

This will hopefully contribute to curbing the dangerous effects of climate change, and promote healthy and sustainable biodiversity in Dutch nature.

Nitrogen is a key component of fertilizer, and without it agricultural productivity suffers mightily. Nitrogen is everywhere (the air is 78% Nitrogen), but plants take up Nitrogen through their roots and not their foliage, so it must be present in bioavailable forms in order to be useful. Hence fertilizer.

Well the EU, following the recommendations of the WEF and the UN, is working to tamp down fertilizer use and the result isn’t just mandating different modes of producing food, but mandating the production of less food. Food itself is a polluter in their view.

Although other sectors also have to make changes to help curb the nitrogen crisis, the agriculture industry faces some of the biggest major changes.

Even though plans and promises to invest in sustainable solutions for the future of agriculture are important, it won’t be enough to slash nitrogen emissions to the extent that the Dutch government wants (needs) to.

The truth is simple: the entire agriculture sector will have to shrink — quite drastically. More specifically, the Dutch livestock herd will likely have to be reduced by one-third if the Dutch want to have a chance of reaching their emissions goal. 

According to some estimates, such drastic shrinkage will lead to as many as 11,200 farms being forced to close down. As part of this drastic change, the Dutch government is planning to buy out farmers as a measure to reduce emissions. 

Theoretically, farmers will only be bought out voluntarily, but the government and mediator Remkes (more on him later) have not ruled out buying out farms by force, if that’s what’s needed to reach the goals.

In short, the government has decided to impose on both farmers and their citizens a policy that destroys livelihoods, lowers quality of life, and that will restrict diets for everybody in Europe–and by extension everybody in the world.

The fact is that wealthier people will find a way to get the food they need and want, but poorer people won’t have that option. That is why you hear all those stories about the Elites™ wanting us to eat crickets–that really is true. They do. Because they believe that meat is environmentally unsound.

No matter how evil you think our overlords are, you underestimate by a lot. Not that they believe they are doing evil, but who ever does?

None of the crises we are facing is accidental. While we are all subject to circumstance and cannot control all the variables in the world, the current set of crises facing the West mainly stem from policy choices made at the top. Our energy crisis was a choice. Our coming food crisis is a policy choice. COVID lockdowns were a choice. COVID itself may have originated due to policy choices made in China and Washington DC to fund gain of function research.

It has take far too long, but the masses are becoming aroused and gearing to fight back. The Canadian trucker protests and European farmer protests are warning shots across the bow. So far the people in power have been able to strike back hard, and maybe they can keep the lid on discontent. But maybe not. What can’t go on forever…doesn’t.

And if not the big question becomes: will the uprisings to follow lead to better outcomes or worse? The history of revolts is not encouraging. In the long history of the world almost every revolt has ended very badly indeed. Here in the US we look back fondly on the Revolutionary war and its salutary benefits. But that is the exception. Most revolutions end up being like the French or Russian revolutions, not the American one. Civil wars suck.

The Elites™ are playing with fire. Let’s hope they are the only ones who get burned.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024