Salon: first they come for the transgenders, then they will come for you

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Salon has always been a bit nutty, but over the years it has gotten nutty to the point of being a Left-wing conspiracy site. It’s where woke white people go to feel validated. It’s where they compare their various levels of oppression, and where they vent their ridiculous fears about encroaching fascism.


Somehow folks who long to live in Cuba or Venezuela simultaneously believe that there is creeping fascism in the US.

Well, actually they have a point. But they are the budding fascists who send the FBI after critics of Democrats, censor anybody who disagrees with them, and burn down cities when they have a tantrum. The Left went all in promoting the BLM protests and even justified the violence on national TV. Watch this hilarious takedown of Chris Cuomo praising the violence:

Salon is doing its daily whinging about creeping MAGA fascism. Because nothing says fascist more than people promising to leave you alone if you have the courtesy to do the same. Let’s face facts: the aggressors in the culture wars are all on the Left. They say often that they want to fundamentally change America, but when we tell them “no!, and stay away from the kids” they get all huffy and violent.

Then they accuse us of being violent. Even “silence is violence.” They fake hate crimes every day to prove how awful Americans are too. Here’s their current rant:

Violence is central to fascism. It forms its origin myths and is one of the primary ways that fascism asserts itself. The power to engage in acts of violence against designated enemies with near-total impunity is one of the main reasons people join fascist movements. As history makes obvious, once fascists take control of a society they maintain and expand their power through violence.

In an era when the Republican Party, the “conservative” movement and the larger white right have de facto embraced fascism, political violence is a constant threat — and the “culture war” may no longer be largely rhetorical or categorical. Indeed, the struggle over cultural issues are a principal battlefield in the current struggle for American democracy.


Yep, America’s cities were burnt down in 2020 by White Supremacists, Crisis Pregnancy Centers are getting vandalized at the instigation of Ron DeSantis, and conservative mayors and governors have opened the doors of prisons and invited flash mobs to ransack stores. Right wing violence is rampant. Even exhibit #1 of right wing “violence”–January 6th riot–was mostly selfies and walking around the Capitol. The only person who died was shot in the back by a Capitol Police officer, although the president keeps lying and saying 5 people were killed. When Biden opens his mouth nothing but lies and made up words come out, it seems.

There are still too many liberals and progressives who perceive the culture war and its focus on reproductive rights, LGBTQ equality, the role of religion in public life and “identity politics” as somehow being a distraction from “real politics” (largely meaning economic issues). So we repeatedly hear the claim that if the “white working class” understood its real economic interests, it would not support Donald Trump or the Republicans or white supremacy in general. This argument is reductive to the point of being functionally false.


I love this particular bit because it is so amazingly unselfconscious. A person representing an ideological movement that spits on the American flag and screams constantly how systemically racist America is complains about being called unAmerican. For God’s sake, man, make up your mind. Are you going to embrace America or piss all over it? Pick one or the other:

What was formerly implied or dog-whistled by the Republicans’ culture-war rhetoric — that there are un-American or anti-American enemies in our society who must be purged, oppressed, regulated or perhaps eliminated, as a threat to “real Americans” and “traditional values” — has become far more explicit. Now that the fascist wing of the Republican Party has become its mainstream, the desire for violence is right at the surface. We would be wise to take it seriously.

What follows in the article is a long and tedious discussion of how awful, hateful, violent, and cruel average Americans are. The average Americans who are nastily accusing the Left of hating…well, America and Americans.

Read it if you can stomach it. I actually gave up before the end because I don’t want to lose the contents of my stomach.


As always the Left wants to have it both ways. I just want them to leave the rest of us alone and move to Cuba or Venezuela where they can be happy. Let’s start a GoFundMe for them so they can afford some plane tickets.

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