Lou Dobbs: I can't imagine why anyone would vote for Lindsey Graham

Here I was, thinking there was no common ground to be had this year between Never Trumpers and hardcore MAGA worshipers like Lou.

But life is full of surprises, isn’t it?


Are there any other weaselly Trump sycophants in the Senate we can get together on besides Graham? This could be a kumbaya moment for all of us. Thom Tillis and Joni Ernst are still very much in contention in their Senate races. Can something be worked out to have Tucker Carlson denounce them on the air next week?

Graham spent four years swallowing his pride and kissing Trump’s ass because he was worried about being primaried by an even bigger Trump ass-kisser. Which was a credible fear: Witness Kelly Loeffler, who’s having so much trouble fending off Doug Collins from the right in Georgia’s jungle primary that she’s taken to buddying up to QAnoners to prove her populist bona fides. Graham managed to avoid a tough primary — only to find himself, against all odds, tied in the polls with a Democrat who’d eventually become the best-funded Senate candidate in American history, all thanks to the man he’s running against.

And now here’s MAGA cheerleader supreme Lou Dobbs sticking the knife in anyway 11 days out from Election Day, at a moment when Graham needs every right-wing vote he can get to keep his seat from turning blue. Unbelievable.


You realize this race might determine control of the Senate, don’t you, Lou?

He knows. But Dobbs is also a border hawk of longstanding and Graham, ah, is not, to put it mildly, and so Dobbs is picking his spot to try to take Graham out despite the potentially dire consequences of an upset in SC. He should have just been honest about his motive during his rant, though. The reason he gives — Graham wants to wait two weeks before subpoenaing the lords of Big Tech — is so dumb and lame that it makes his anti-endorsement seem petty. Even someone as deep in the MAGA bubble as Lou can’t seriously believe that subpoenaing Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey before November 3 will meaningfully influence votes. Even if they could be made to testify before Election Day, the session will consist of one part actual testimony to 10 parts grandstanding by the likes of Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, seizing their chance to produce some campaign-commercial material for their 2024 campaigns.

Senate hearings are worthless pandering garbage organized to sate the vanity of our sociopathic political class. Surely we can find a little common ground on that point too, no?

The irony of Always Trump and Never Trump coming together to oust Lindsey is that … we’ll fail. I’ve thought from the start that SC is simply too red to elect Harrison, even with all of his money. Last week the NYT found Graham up a comfortable six points there, 46/40. Other polls have had Harrison slightly ahead, but FiveThirtyEight still gives Graham a three-in-four chance of winning (which frankly seems low). I think the Times has the outcome more or less right. I’d guess Graham 50, Harrison 45 or thereabouts on Election Day.


Here’s your exit quotation, which is getting attention on social media today for its sheer wackiness. Between this and Dobbs trying to oust a Trump crony from his Senate seat, the next 10 days at Fox are shaping up to be pretty wild.

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