Sunday morning talking heads

Political A-listers are enjoying a holiday weekend away from TV this morning, freeing up rare national airtime for local officials who represent some of America’s worst coronavirus hot spots. “This Week” and “Face the Nation” will each feature mayors and/or county leaders from Miami and Houston, with “This Week” adding the mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, as well. “State of the Union” will counter with the mayor of Austin. Everyone will face the same questions: Does the latest data in their jurisdiction suggest that COVID-19 infections have begun to abate? If not, how much longer before they order new lockdowns?


And what’s the plan if they do that and it doesn’t work?

The closest thing to an A-lister is FDA chief Stephen Hahn, who’ll chat with “This Week” and “State of the Union” about the timetable for promising therapeutic drugs like antibody treatments. He’ll also try to put a positive spin on this report alleging that the White House’s new strategy against COVID is to, ah, tell Americans to get used to it.

John Bolton is on this morning too, joining “Face the Nation” for a little more book promotion and Trump-bashing. And two dark-horse candidates for Biden’s VP will be on to audition for the job by showing their policy chops. One of them, Susan Rice, is going nowhere as she’s never held elected office and has no obvious constituency. She’ll be on “Meet the Press” to discuss her latest anti-Trump op-ed. The other is more promising: Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth will chat with “State of the Union” about Russia allegedly placing bounties on U.S. troops and her threat to block military promotions in the Senate unless Alex Vindman’s promotion is approved by the Pentagon. Duckworth is a veteran who’s overcome debilitating war wounds to build a skyrocketing political career. She’s got a traditional VP resume, is neither too old nor too young, relishes attacking Trump, and of course is a woman. She’s also a woman of color (Asian-American) but she’s not African-American, which is why she’ll likely end up being passed over. Still, there’s some support for her out there. Stay tuned. The full line-up is at the AP.


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