Kellyanne Conway: MLK would have opposed dragging Americans through this sham impeachment

I admire her sheer guts in turning a question about Martin Luther King Jr on MLK Day into an anodyne pro-Trump talking point about the president’s political problem du jour. We should all be so lucky to have employees as loyal as this.


If not for impeachment, it might have been an answer about how King would have approved of the Soleimani strike because he spent his life fighting evil and Soleimani was evil and therefore maybe this one time the great nonviolence advocate would have appreciated a little death from above for a bad guy courtesy of the military-industrial complex.

I’m trying to picture George Conway’s face right now. I don’t know if Kellyanne owned the libs with this response, but she definitely owned one very particularly anti-Trump conservative:

“Well, I can tell you that the president is preparing for Davos and agrees with many of the things that Dr. Martin Luther King stood for and agreed with for many years, including unity and equality,” she began to respond. “And he’s not the one trying to tear the country apart through an impeachment process and a lack of substance that really is very shameful at this point.”

“I’ve held my opinion on it for a very long time,” Conway continued, “but when you see the articles of impeachment that came out, I don’t think it was within Dr. King’s vision to have Americans dragged through a process where the president is not going to be removed from office, is not being charged with bribery, extortion, high crimes or misdemeanors.”


I don’t know. One thing about MLK: He wouldn’t let his belief in a good cause be deterred by the social upheaval that resulted from it.

No way to know how he would have felt about impeachment, of course, but there’s an easy way to know how black Americans feel. From Quinnipiac’s latest national poll:

At 81/18 in favor, blacks are easily the most supportive nonpartisan demographic group on the board. The same number, 81 percent, say they’re “troubled” by Trump’s Ukraine actions. When asked if they approve or disapprove of Trump’s job performance as president, black Americans split 11/85, with 74 percent saying they disapprove “strongly.” Another recent poll from Morning Consult showed similar overwhelming support for impeachment among black voters, with the group dividing 73/19.

Haven’t there been several polls lately, though, showing rising black support for Trump? Yes, says columnist Henry Olsen, flagging one that showed the president’s approval among African-Americans climbing to 34 percent. But Olsen, who typically argues in Trump’s favor, is wary in this case:

Here’s what the facts really show: Trump’s job approval rating among blacks averages a mere 13.3 percent in three of the most recent polls that release breakdowns by race. Trump received an average of only 9 percent of the black vote against Joe Biden in surveys in four key swing states conducted by the New York Times and Siena College in November. And a recent Washington Post/Ipsos poll of blacks found Trump’s position to be even worse. This poll is the only recent public poll that interviewed only black voters, and thus has a lower margin of error for them than the other polls mentioned above. It found Trump had only a 7 percent job approval rating and gave him only 4 percent of the vote against Biden…

[E]rror margins can be extremely high when you look at the actual numbers of blacks sampled in any given poll. Only 186 blacks were included in one poll that gave Trump a 34 percent job approval rating among blacks. The margin of error for that sample size is between 7 percent and 8 percent, and even that is only within a 95 percent confidence level. The subtotal figure will likely be wrong 5 percent of the time even if the poll was conducted perfectly.


He’s nowhere near 34 percent approval in reality. The pro-impeachment numbers among blacks across multiple polls are abundantly clear about that. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that he doesn’t need to be anywhere near 34 percent to extinguish any Democratic hope of winning the presidency next fall. If the roaring economy is enough to increase his 2016 take of the African-American vote by, say, five percentage points, he’ll win. That’s a key electability argument in Joe Biden’s favor, in fact: It may be only Joe who can consolidate the black vote to the full extent necessary to tip some of the Rust Belt states back into the Democratic column.

Here’s Kellyanne doing her thing.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024