Daily Mail: Ghislaine Maxwell is alive and lying low -- in the U.S.? Update: "Boyfriend" denies

This is the sex-trafficking equivalent of learning that Ayman al-Zawahiri is hiding out in a duplex outside Chicago.

All week I’ve been reading about how Epstein’s alleged chief procurer hasn’t been seen publicly in three years and is believed to have gone underground in Europe, where she’s presumably on the run from international dragnets, state spy services, and of course the occasional team of elite assassins hired by some rich degenerate or another to silence those who could ruin him.


Nope, says the Daily Mail. She’s hanging out at a mansion outside Boston with her tech CEO boyfriend.

Uhhhhh, do the feds know?

Ghislaine Maxwell, long-time consort of Jeffrey Epstein and the alleged procurer of victims in his underage sex trafficking ring, has been laying low in a New England beach town, DailyMail.com has learned exclusively.

Maxwell, 57, is in a relationship with Scott Borgerson, 43, and has been living with him at his secluded oceanfront property at the end of a long private road in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts.

The British socialite has been loath to leave the $3 million mansion, a source told DailyMail.com amid heightened focus on Epstein’s alleged co-conspirators following the convicted pedophile’s apparent suicide on Saturday.

‘She’s become a real homebody, rarely ventures out. She’s the antithesis of the woman who traveled extensively and partied constantly with Epstein,’ said a source familiar with Maxwell’s new life.

It was also the Daily Mail that reported a few days ago that Maxwell was allegedly ready to cooperate with federal prosecutors in their case against Epstein, before that case ended at the bottom of a makeshift noose. If that’s true then one would assume they do know where she is. But with Epstein now gone, what’s left for them to cooperate on? Maxwell’s the biggest cheese left in the alleged pedophile ring (that we know of) and the public is hungry for justice after Epstein cheated them. No less a figure than Bill Barr warned on Monday that Epstein’s co-conspirators shouldn’t rest easy, as the investigation will continue. She has no reason to hang around and hope for mercy.


Imagine if the feds *didn’t* know where Maxwell is and the Daily Mail story today caused her to bug out before they could get to her.

Even if they knew her location, could they charge her with anything? Don’t be so sure, says former prosecutor Renato Mariotti:

To make a case against the Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell, who is suspected of recruiting young girls for him, prosecutors would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she knew that the girls she recruited were underage and would be abused by Mr. Epstein. Her legal team will likely argue that she would not have helped him if she knew he would abuse underage girls. After all, it’s not a crime to work for a criminal unless you are in on the crime. Jurors might believe prosecutors set her up to take the fall because Mr. Epstein eluded their grasp.

State prosecutors would have a larger universe of sex crimes they could charge her with, like solicitation, but the statute of limitations has likely run on most of those given that the crimes alleged by Epstein’s victims happened years ago. To get Maxwell they’d need to nail her on something so grave that the statute of limitations doesn’t apply — rape, for instance. How would they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Maxwell’s guilty of that?

As for why she would be hiding in the U.S. instead of abroad, it may be that the U.S. is the safest place for her, ironically. Remember that Prince Andrew from her native UK is tangled up with Epstein too, and the Daily Mail notes that she and her family are loathed back home for having lived lavishly on pension funds which her father pilfered from his publishing empire. If she’s in fear for her life, she may be marginally safer here than there — although possibly not after today’s Daily Mail story. Meanwhile, I’m curious about her supposed relationship with Borgerson. What does he see in a disgraced accused sex trafficker who’s nearly 15 years his senior?


Here’s the latest drone video from that guy who’s flying recon missions over Pedophile Island — this time catching the FBI and NYPD in action inside Epstein’s home. Exit quotation from one of Epstein’s accusers:

Eventually, she got the camera and was soon flying to Jeffrey’s private island with other teen girls, to meet other men.

“[Maxwell] called us her children,” Sjoberg recalled. “At one point when we were in the islands we were all watching a movie and she called us her children.”

“Did she ever refer to herself as a mother?” the lawyer asked.

“Yes, like a mother hen.”

Calling the girls “children” suggests that she did have a pretty firm idea about their ages, right?

Update: Don’t look at me, says Borgerson to Business Insider:

Borgerson said he’s been out of the country traveling for the past week, during which no one has been living at his home.

It’s not clear from the Daily Mail article when Maxwell was allegedly staying at Borgerson’s home — it reports that she “has been hiding out” at the home — and Borgerson did not respond to questions asking him to clarify whether Maxwell had stayed at his house before he left the country. The Daily Mail reports that Borgerson, 43 and Maxwell, 57, are in a romantic relationship, but when asked if he was dating Maxwell, the CargoMetrics CEO told Business Insider that she is a “former friend.”

“Ghislaine Maxwell is not at my home and I don’t know where she is,” Borgerson told Business Insider. “I’m passionate about ocean policy and wish people were as interested in Jones Act reform, joining the law of the sea, and funding icebreakers.”


The photo published by the Daily Mail of Borgerson walking a dog alleged to be Maxwell’s is, he says, actually a photo of him walking his own dog. What’s going on here?

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