Quotes of the day

In another sign of an escalating feud between the two presidential front-runners, Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton’s bathroom break in Saturday’s debate “disgusting” and used a Yiddish word for the male anatomy to describe her loss in 2008 to Barack Obama.


“Even a race to Obama, she was gonna beat Obama. I don’t know who would be worse, I don’t know, how could it be worse? But she was going to beat … she was favored to win — and she got schlonged,” Mr. Trump said late Monday in a campaign stop in Grand Rapids, Mich. “She lost, I mean she lost.”

The yiddish term refers to a penis.


Later on, Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson tried to clarify his “schlonged” comment.

“I think he was meaning, like, ‘schlonged to the ground,’ ‘schlonged around,’” Pierson said on CNN. “Are we really talking about the definition of a word?”

When panelists pushed back, Pierson herself asked for clarification.

“What does schlonged mean then?” Pierson said. “Why don’t you tell me what schlonged means.”


Trump has used the word “schlonged” at least once before — in a 2011 discussion of a House seat Republicans lost.

“I watched a popular Republican woman [Jane Corwin] not only lose but get schlonged by a Democrat [Kathy Hochul] nobody ever heard of for the congressional seat, and that was because, simply, because of the Paul Ryan plan,” Trump said at the time. “That was an attack on Medicare. Now he’s trying to soften it, but whether you like it or not, that was an attack on Medicare.”…

Indeed, Nexis notes just seven uses of “schlonged.” Two were Trump’s recent jab at Clinton; one referenced a “long-schlonged” reality TV star; one appeared in an obituary for Philip Seymour Hoffman, noting the actor’s role as a “gauche gay boom operator with a crush on [a] long-schlonged superstar” in the film “Boogie Nights”; another appeared in an article about the HBO show “Hung”; and another in the transcript of an episode of Comedy Central’s long-canceled “The Man Show.”


Only one use of “schlonged” as a verb came from a respected political source. In 2011, NPR’s Neal Conan made this observation (to The Post’s Chris Cillizza) on the 1984 Walter Mondale/Geraldine Ferraro campaign: “That ticket went on to get schlonged at the polls.”


Donald Trump remains the Republican frontrunner, but half of American voters say they would feel “embarrassed” to have Trump as the country’s president, a new Quinnipiac poll finds…

But asked whether they would be proud or embarrassed if Trump is elected, fully 50 percent of all registered voters suggested that they would feel ashamed. That includes 20 percent of Republicans, 47 percent of independents and 82 percent of Democrats.

Just 23 percent of voters responded that they would feel proud to have Trump as the country’s leader.



Via WaPo:



Make no mistake: Both Trump and Clinton must be very happy to be embroiled in this spat. Indeed, the Clinton camp has cheerfully fed the flames of this fight, in what appears to be a concerted effort to boost Trump among GOP voters. The theory may be that Trump benefits among those voters if he is perceived as a chief antagonist of Clinton, thus helping him spread more intra-GOP damage…

As I reported the other day, Democrats plan to increasingly make the case that Trump’s simplistic bluster and belligerence are forcing the other GOP candidates to dumb down their rhetoric to match his, thus revealing Clinton to be more prepared to lead in complicated and dangerous times than any of the GOP candidates.


This is a political and policy argument: Democrats are claiming that Trump’s rhetoric has become a threat to national security, which in turn makes the other GOP candidates’ efforts to match it — or at least, fail to condemn it in a full-throated fashion — more consequential, and reveals Clinton to be a steadier, more reliable presence. (The bet is that, while all the bluster may appeal to GOP primary voters, it will taint the party in the eyes of the general election audience.) Clinton’s increasing efforts to highlight Trump’s reckless anti-Muslim demagoguery not only gives Trump a way to boost himself among Republican voters, by arguing that he has emerged as Clinton’s chief foe; it’s also designed to advance that larger argument.


This makes clear a new reason for Democrats to be delighted (and truly, they are) at the idea of Trump actually snagging the GOP nomination: Trump’s unable to control his misogyny and sexism. He had a perfectly good line of attack against Clinton as a liar, but, because he’s Trump, he had to package the charges with schoolyard insults; but beyond that because he was dealing with a woman – and again, because he’s Trump – he had to go with sexist insults. See, for example, just during this campaign, Trump versus Rosie O’Donnell, Megyn Kelly and Carly Fiorina. (Oh yeah and there are his pre-candidate days.) He can’t help himself: He drills in on what he sees as a target’s weakness and he sees the mere fact of being a woman as a weakness…


Imagine a Trump-Clinton general election campaign (even though that’s not going to happen). It would be a months-long graduate-level seminar in sexism; also a protracted, Trump-driven, get-out-the-vote effort aimed directly at Hillary Clinton’s supporters.

You can be sure that they will be seeing recruiting videos starring The Donald.


Trump’s primary problem is one loosely oriented around the male anatomy: he thinks people, particularly women, when they lose are getting “schlonged”. He believes that there is nothing more humiliating, nothing more evocative of loss, nothing that epitomizes capitulation in the face of one’s opponent’s triumph than being penetrated by a penis…

Listening to conservatives talk about life under a Democratic administration, it’s hard to miss all the many little metaphorical references to supposed sexual submission (like “force it down our throats” and “bend over, grab the ankles”) peppering their speech. One gets the sense that at least some of them view the last 7 years as a long stretch of lying back and thinking of England (or at least Ronald Reagan)…

But in 2015, the front-runner for the Republican nomination has admitted that he’s grossed out by the thought of women urinating, he’s disgusted by breast-feeding, he thinks menstruation is a mind-altering phenomenon and he thinks that the best rhetorical method for referring to a woman’s campaign loss is to evoke mental images of her getting bested by a penis.

One would think that a man who likes to build skyline-altering, metal-and-glass phalluses and slap his name on them couldn’t pantomime his sexual insecurities any louder. It’s hard to imagine the size of the next tower he’ll feel inclined to build when Clinton bests him – will he still call it “schlonged” then? – in the general election.



But does this sort of talk help Trump at all? If it brings him closer to the Republican nomination, what does it say about Republicans? And is there any way it won’t repel a significant number of voters who might otherwise consider supporting the Republican standard-bearer in November 2016?…

When Trump encounters a female rival, critic, or plain old famous person, he bluntly assesses their appearance. “Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?” Trump said about Carly Fiorina. “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?” He called Fox News’s Megyn Kelly a bimbo, declared Heidi Klum is no longer a “ten,” wrote Gail Collins to tell her she has the face of a dog, said Arianna Huffington is “a dog who wrongfully comments on me,” and deemed Bette Midler “extremely unattractive.”…

At what point does Trump recognize he’s already locked up his base, and try to broaden his appeal beyond it? Does he even bother? Has anyone told him that women are a larger segment of the electorate than men — 53 percent in 2012 — and that Mitt Romney won only 44 percent of them? Right now, Trump is getting 33 percent of women in a head-to-head matchup against Clinton, and she’s consistently beating him in head-to-head polling matchups…

Are more insults going to fix that perception problem? Can you win a majority of electoral votes while running around the country sounding like a hybrid of Andrew Dice Clay and Don Rickles? And if that style leads the Republican party to its third consecutive defeat in a presidential election, who’s really getting “schlonged”?





“Trump’s language might be a plus for him?” Varney wondered. “That’s what you’re saying.”

“You know why?” Tantaros replied. “The left has tried to culturally feminize this country in a way that is disgusting. And you see blue collar voters — men — this is like their last vestige, their last hope is Donald Trump to get their masculinity back.”

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