Open thread: Sunday morning talking heads

Oddly, despite a looming U.S./Russia standoff in Syria and an atrocious school shooting in Oregon, the lead story on the Sunday shows this morning is the same ol’ same ol’ 2016 horse-race blather. Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner — or is it former frontrunner? — is the lead guest on “Meet the Press” and “This Week,” where he’ll be followed by not-quite-dead-yet Chris Christie. I wonder if Trump will stick to his habit lately of attacking Marco Rubio, which hasn’t done Rubio much damage, or if he’ll try to exploit Jeb Bush’s growing weakness by restarting his attacks on him.


Elsewhere, would-be House Speaker Jason Chaffetz will be on “Fox News Sunday” to discuss his challenge to Kevin McCarthy. The state of play as of Friday afternoon:

Hmmm. No “Face the Nation” this morning, by the way: Coverage is preempted by the Jets/Dolphins game being played at London’s Wembley Stadium. The full line-up is at the AP.

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