Hillary: These Republicans want to round up illegals and put them in "boxcars"

Via Mediaite, a little Nazi allusion to go with yesterday’s terrorism slur from someone who once said, as a United States senator, “I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants.” Not only was she adamantly against illegal immigrants, she called for creating a national entry/exit ID card to keep track of people who’ve been admitted to the country legally — and maybe not just those people. Quote: “Although I’m not a big fan of it, we might have to move towards an ID system even for citizens.”


Hillary’s prior support for cracking down on illegals will come up during this campaign, rest assured, although we’ve learned from the gay-marriage debate that Democratic voters have a seemingly limitless capacity for forgiving ideological heresies. (Then again, as we’re seeing with Trumpmania, so do Republican voters.) Here’s a Daily Beast reporter watching an RNC oppo researcher hard at work sifting through archives in the Clinton Library:

Today is already a good day.

He found something while perusing through the first lady’s press office records: an old interview in which she appears to talk about the importance of keeping undocumented immigrants out of the country. 

“It’s a complete change from what she’s trying to do now where she wants everybody to come in—it’s just something we could possibly hit on,” he says.

Peter Spiliakos made what I thought was a good point about Trump’s appeal this morning at NRO. It may be true that Trumpmania is largely a reaction to Bush 3.0, but it’s also a reaction to the garden-variety slipperiness of pols like Marco Rubio and Scott Walker. Spiliakos:


Marco Rubio went from opposing upfront amnesty, to supporting upfront amnesty, to opposing it again. Scott Walker went from supporting amnesty and a path to citizenship to opposing it, and then went from opposing birthright citizenship to supporting birthright citizenship.

For many Trump supporters, the actions of Rubio and Walker show that all of politics is a charade. Any shiny new conservative who appears to be an alternative to both Bush and Trump will turn out to be the same as Bush. Every politician’s election year promises are just a different combination of lies and misdirections to cover up the exact same governing agenda.

That’s got to be a key part of Bernie Sanders’s appeal to lefties too, I’d imagine, even more so than it is for Trump. Trump’s slippery too about his positions, after all, whereas Sanders has been a man of devoutly left-wing politics for decades. Hillary voted for the Iraq war, then denounced it; she opposed gay marriage for years, then reversed herself after Obama did; now she’s blowing progressive dog whistles about deporting illegals as a form of Nazism despite having declared her own opposition to illegal immigrants — not illegal immigration but illegal immigrants — after she’d already been elected to federal office. She’s an opportunistic joke. But she’s got lottttttts of money in her campaign treasury (and lots of Democratic power brokers in her back pocket). Sorry, Bernie fans. Don’t worry, though: Come next summer, when the Nazi analogies are in full bloom, you’ll have gotten over it.


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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024