Quotes of the day

The rift between House Republican leaders and outside conservative organizations broke into the open Wednesday as Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) rebuked groups that had preemptively denounced a budget deal…


The Speaker delivered a similar message to Republicans inside the party meeting, when, according to Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.), he urged lawmakers not to be pressured by outside activists.

“The Speaker was very clear: There is only person who controls the voting cards of the member of Congress, and that is the member of Congress,” Womack said…

In publically denouncing the activist groups, Boehner joins senior Senate Republicans who have decried their influence and their motives in mounting primary challenges against incumbents.


Then Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) upped the ante.

The chairman of the RSC, the bastion of the right-wing strategy on Capitol Hill, fired its long-time executive director Paul Teller for leaking member-level conversations to the outside groups, according to a senior Republican aide…

If there was any staffer on Capitol Hill that was nearly as powerful as a member of Congress, it was Teller. He has been involved in conservative strategy for more than a decade, helping drag legislative debates to the right. But he often chafed on Republican leadership, who saw him as causing intra-party drama…

“The fact they are making an example of Paul is clearly a message to staffers and other members that they will take a pound of flesh if they go against them on this sellout budget deal,” said one Senate Republican aide with close ties to the tea party. “It’s disgraceful. This is clearly Paul Ryan and John Boehner cracking down on dissent in the House. It shows the hostility the establishment has to tea party-minded staffers.”



Outside right-leaning groups are firing back at Speaker John Boehner after he attacked their intentions and questioned their commitment to conservative principles on Wednesday.

“Speaker Boehner’s real problem here isn’t with conservative groups like FreedomWorks, it’s with millions of individual Americans who vote Republican because they were told the GOP was the party of small government and fiscal responsibility,” Matt Kibbe, the president of FreedomWorks, said in a statement.

Kibbe went on: “Once again Republicans, led by John Boehner, are working with Democrats to increase spending yet again on the taxpayers’ tab while promising ‘savings’ down the road. We know how this movie ends. How can leadership credibly promise spending cuts later, after agreeing to a plan that rolls back the sequester savings promised two debt increases ago? There’s a predictable pattern here.”


At a Wednesday forum put on by the Heritage Foundation, eight conservative members of Boehner’s conference took turns explaining why the Democrats had crushed them. “Until today, I thought Republicans were going to hold the line on the sequester,” said Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador. “Democrats realized they were right all along, that we were never going to hold the line.”

“Look, we got beat,” said South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney. “We don’t have the votes. Our opening position was the law [of sequestration caps]. Their opening position is to break the law. When those are the two starting positions, the compromise will be to break the law.”


Now that they’ve lost, what’s the future of that entitlement reform President Obama keeps saying he’s ready for? How will Republicans force him to the proverbial table where all Washington deals are birthed?

They don’t know.


Amazing how much can change in a month. Congressman Paul Ryan and Senator Patty Murray have decided to give up the last thing the GOP was fighting for — spending restraint. “Don’t worry,” Paul Ryan says with his boyish charm designed to induce sweats and heart palpitations among conservatives, “it’s only a little less restrained.”…

So it raises spending, it raises taxes … errr … “user fees”, and it funds Obamacare. It’s the budgetary equivalent of being only a little big pregnant.

But then that’s the problem with Paul Ryan. In his run of the mill voting record, there is no question Paul Ryan is a conservative. It’s just he sees fit to lose his conservative bona fides when high profile votes are on the line. So his friends can cast aspersions on those who suggest he might not be what he appears while he goes on to prove he is not what he appears to be in these big votes.


[I]n abandoning his years-long quest to re-imagine American society and settling for a bipartisan deal, the Wisconsin Republican took the first steps to emerge as a House power center — a Republican willing to take baby steps to curb the nation’s trillions in debt, normalize the budget process and protect a Pentagon pilloried by cuts…


“As a conservative, I deal with the situation as it exists,” Ryan said. “I deal with the way things are, not necessarily the way things I want them to be. I’ve passed three budgets in a row that reflect my priorities and my principles and everything I wanted to accomplish. We’re in divided government. I realize I’m not going to get that. So I’m not going to go a mile in the direction I wanted to go to, but I will take a few steps in the right direction. This agreement takes us in the right direction, from my perspective, for the very reasons I laid out before.”


PM: Did you ever pressure him to, you know, get these Tea Party guys to settle down, get in line?

[Steve LaTourette]: I sat on Team Boehner. We would have lunch once a month in [room] H-230, and these would be the people that helped elect him, majority or minority leader. I mean, there were people who were really vocal about the fact that you got to do something to these guys. … [Michigan Rep.] Freddy Upton was really upset, which is—you know, Freddy’s a very mild man. … The general consensus was you’ve got to make an example of somebody. You’ve got to find somebody that doesn’t have a lot of friends so it doesn’t have a big backlash, and you got to do something mean to him.

And Boehner said no. I mean, his idea—he said, well, maybe I won’t let them preside [the ceremonial position of sitting in the chairman’s rostrum in the House]. People were saying, “What kind of punishment is that?” Or maybe, you know, “When some of these appointments come up, such as the U.N. thing or whatever, I won’t appoint them.” And everybody sort of left the meeting saying, “He’s just not of the mind to go after these people and punish them, so they’re going to be emboldened.”…


PM: Eric Cantor’s desire to become speaker seems to have cooled a bit. He seems to be getting along better with Boehner. Why?

SL: I think Eric’s come to the realization that these guys [the Tea Party Republicans who viewed Cantor as their early leader], it’s like having a pet alligator. You know, once you turn your back, they’re going to eat you.


Via RCP.



Via Ben Howe.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024