Video: Local man convinced that "powerful voices" don't want him to be mayor

Technically he’s correct. Basically everyone doesn’t want him to be mayor, which is pretty powerful.

So now he’s running as the underdog. Notice is served, New York: No authority figure, be it the Clintons, congressional Democrats, or an overwhelming majority of the voting public, is going to bully him into giving up his dream.


Spitzer fares better than Weiner, boasting a 59 percent unfavorable rating, versus Weiner’s 80 percent unfavorable rating among New Yorkers.

“Weiner has set a new all-time Siena College Poll record with 80 percent of voters viewing him unfavorably — including three-quarters of Democrats and New York City voters — compared to only 11 percent who have a favorable view of America’s most infamous tweeter,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said in a statement.

His fundraising’s in the toilet too now that Friends of Billary are no longer chipping in as a favor to Huma. And yet he soldiers on, determined not to suffer the humiliation of dropping out before election day even if that means suffering far greater daily humiliations on the trail. It’s come to this:

Anthony Weiner, campaigning in Astoria, Queens, yesterday, put several fliers into mailboxes on Crescent Street.

Told that this might violate postal regulations, his spokeswoman, Barbara Morgan, said, “I think that if it’s not all the way in, it’s OK.’’

I can vividly picture Post staffers high-fiving in the newsroom over that. Semi-serious exit question: Is this whole campaign a stunt? Before you answer, read this. I think Weiner jumped in with mostly serious intentions, sensing (correctly) that Christine Quinn was a weak frontrunner and could be beaten in a runoff if he got that far and if there were no more embarrassing sexting revelations. So much for that. The fallback plan, though, might be to market himself as a media personality once the campaign’s over. The “documentary” is his de facto audition tape. He’s a sleaze but I do think the guy would be good on radio; he ain’t much for legislating and his future mayoral dreams are almost certainly now deceased, but he can blather engagingly about politics and has a decent, if jerky, sense of humor. He was more watchable in that obnoxious exchange with the British reporter than anyone in MSNBC primetime. Perfect for talk radio — provided that he can keep the callers talking politics and current events instead of inquiring about Weiner’s weiner. The chances of which, admittedly, are near zero.


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