Quotes of the day

In an interview to be broadcast Sunday, Davis sat down with “This Week” inside the Stage West Theatre in Fort Worth, where she worked her way from being a waitress to a Harvard-educated lawyer to a heroine in the eyes of many Democrats…


She offered a window into the secrets of standing and talking for more than 11 straight hours during a legislative filibuster: her dusty running shoes (size 7 Mizuno, narrow); a catheter that allowed her to avoid bathroom breaks (“I came prepared,” she explained); and how she felt the spirit of her hero, the late Gov. Ann Richards, during her marathon session in the Capitol in Austin.

“I was going to wear just some little flat dress shoes. At the last minute, I was running out of my apartment and I thought maybe I might need something with a little more support, so I grabbed these on the way out the door,” Davis said, pointing to her sneakers that have gained Internet fame. “These are actually my running shoes. They’re dusty from the trail around Ladybird Lake.”


It’s going to be an interesting few weeks for Austin. After Texas State senator Wendy Davis’s filibuster kept anti-abortion legislation from passing by the end of the legislature’s special session, Texans are gearing up for a second special session, and it’s going to be theatrical. Predicting protests is an imperfect science, but one statehouse source tells me he’s hearing that up to 5,000 protesters could show up on Monday for the session’s first day. And a Texas Republican insider tells me to expect protests intended to shut the capitol down that could be reminiscent of the Wisconsin union protests in 2011. He adds that they’ve heard that large buses could be bringing in protesters, and that food trucks may help to keep them fed. In other words, Austin might look a little bit like Occupy.


“This time, I expect the protesting to be even louder,” says Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst. He adds that his office won’t put up with the kind of tactics that helped postpone the vote on Tuesday night.


“It will pass overwhelmingly and will become the law in the state,” Perry said Friday in an interview with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. “I think the voice of the people of Texas will be heard.”

Davis and legislative Democrats stopped the bill at the midnight Tuesday deadline of the first special session in part because Perry had delayed adding it to the agenda. This time, lawmakers can take up the issue immediately and the Republican majorities in the House and Senate are expected to pass the bill for Perry to sign into law.

Dewhurst said Saturday after speaking at the National Right to Life Convention that next time, he’ll move to have protesters thrown out if they become disorderly. He said he had tried to get them out Tuesday, though outnumbered troopers in the Capitol were not seen removing most protesters until the early hours of Wednesday…

In his speech, Dewhurst ripped the crowds opposing a vote as driven by “hatred” and “mob rule.” He called on anti-abortion activists to fill hearing rooms and galleries during the next session as their opponents have done, and use social media to broadcast their support using the hashtag “#stand4life.”



Americans have issued their verdict: Abortions should be banned after 12 weeks.

Is that unreasonable? Progressives will say yes, accusing conservatives of trying to control a woman’s body. But this is demagoguery. Pregnancy involves three humans: A woman, a man and a fetus. Any discussion that doesn’t take reality into account should be dismissed…

What would happen if we followed Europe’s lead and banned abortion after the first trimester? Well, roughly 1.2 million abortions occur annually in the U.S. According to Guttmacher, 88 percent (1.06 million) of those occur within the first 12 weeks. That means, potentially, 140,000 more children would be born each year.

Is that really such a horrible thing? Does that justify the uproar coming from the pro-choice movement about the supposed conservative assault on women’s bodies? It definitely doesn’t sound like it.


WENDY DAVIS: You know, I think really what’s happening here, Bob, is politicians are using this issue to boost their own political aspirations, their own political aspirations, their own political ambitions . . . Thousands and thousands of women, will no longer have access to this safe reproductive health care. And we all know what happens in the context of the lack of that access. We’ve seen it before in our country’s history and I fear that for their political ambitions Governor Perry and Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst are willing to cast that aside, put women in harm’s way, in order for them to step up on the political ladder.




Via the Corner.


Gregory relentlessly pressed Pelosi on this point, asking: “Do you fear that we’re at a new age of the erosion of abortion rights?” The minority leader responded semi-coherently.

“I think we’re at a place where a woman’s health is in danger, because of, whether it is family planning, or contraception, or any issues that relate to women’s health, there is an assault on that in the Congress, on the ongoing, and in other parts of the country,” she said. ”So we have to be ever vigilant, and fight for this. This is, again, this is about respect for women, the judgements that women make, and their doctors, about their reproductive health. It’s an important part of who women are.”

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