Quotes of the day

Bucking protocol, President Obama and the Democrats are planning a full-scale assault on Republicans next week during their convention

Even first lady Michelle Obama is in on the act, scheduling an appearance on the “David Letterman Show” smack in the middle of Romney’s nominating bash…


The most aggressive attack was left for Biden, who is heading behind enemy lines for campaign events in Tampa on Monday and Tuesday. Leading congressional Democrats, including Reps. James Clyburn (S.C.) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.), will be joining the vice president to help crash the party…

The Republicans’ convention messaging will be thrown off, Baker said, “If Joe Biden goes to Tampa and says, ‘Where’s Todd Akin?'”


[Romney’s] advisers conceded that Mr. Akin’s comments last weekend had wreaked havoc on the campaign’s message heading into the convention in Tampa next week, and that the situation was made worse by the Republican Party’s decision this week to endorse an anti-abortion plank at its convention — without an exception for rape or incest.

But they expressed confidence that Mr. Romney and Republican Congressional candidates would weather the week of bad press, in part because the quick and thunderous denunciation of Mr. Akin by the party’s leadership has minimized the potential impact of being tied to his comments.

“Every moment between now and November should be spent talking about the No. 1 issue for women and men, and that’s the economy,” said Kerry Healey, who was Mr. Romney’s lieutenant governor in Massachusetts and advises the presidential campaign. “Anything that distracts from that is not what we should be talking about.”


We can only pray that this report is true, and that the Democrats devote all three days in Charlotte to discussions of abortion rights, rape and contraception. If there is one thing we can say with certainty this year, it is that the overwhelming majority of voters don’t want to hear about the social issues. They want to know how we are going to climb out of the four-year economic funk that has been the Obama administration. If undecided viewers tune into the Democratic convention and hear all about abortion, and tune into the Republican convention and hear all about the economy, Romney will win in a landslide.


And, by the way, Republicans should help drive this contrast by saying nothing–and I mean, absolutely nothing–about any social issue. They should talk the economy non-stop, with occasional digressions into foreign policy. If they are asked about abortion, they should chide the reporter for asking about a topic that is of little interest to voters and that, by the way, the president, vice president, senators and congressmen have no ability to do anything about, and give an answer about the economy. If the Democrats want to define themselves to voters as the party of abortion and gay marriage, please, God, let them do so!


Now let’s look at the calendar. The Democratic convention is being held in Charlotte, September 3 through September 6, with Obama accepting the nomination that final night. Unemployment reports are released the first Friday of every month, so next unemployment report comes out… the morning of September 7. If it’s another dismal report—and again, the odds are that it will be nothing to celebrate — it could step all over the news coming out of the convention.

This could be particularly bad if the Democrats spend the entire week tearing down Mitt Romney and talking about abortion. Since Paul Ryan has been added to the GOP ticket, there’s little question that the Romney-Ryan ticket had shifted their campaign theme to a big picture economic debate. Thus far, the Obama and Democrats haven’t been terribly willing to engage the issue beyond Mediscare attacks on Paul Ryan. And the recent news that the DNC is reshuffling the speakers at the convention to highlight pro-abortion activists following the controversy over Missouri GOP Senate Candidate Todd Akin doesn’t suggest that they’re going to have a substantive discussion of what they plan to do about the economy at the convention, either…


But the key is the timing of the jobs report. The Romney campaign must be prepared to capitalize on the unemployment news the following morning, and find a way to contrast it to the Democratic avoidance of the central issue of this campaign at their convention. If they can get effectively get that message out to voters that Democrats appear unconcerned about unemployment and the economy and are playing games to distract voters—and they may have to find a way to go around the mainstream media to do it—the Romney-Ryan ticket has a golden opportunity to step all over any post-convention bounce for Obama.


Plans are underway for Mr. Romney to be nominated on Monday – not Wednesday as previously thought – because of a potential threat from Tropical Storm Isaac and concerns about a possible disruption during the roll call vote from Ron Paul supporters at the Republican National Convention next week.

It is a change in the script from previous conventions, with the formal nomination on the eve of the acceptance speech. It is a formality, and Mr. Romney will still deliver his acceptance speech on Thursday evening, but the change would carry significance because Mr. Romney could accept general election money sooner…

As soon as Mr. Romney officially becomes the party’s presidential nominee, he can have access to the general election money he has spent months raising, putting him on the cusp of tapping into a significant financial advantage for the final two months of the race.



Via BuzzFeed.


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David Strom 4:00 PM | October 16, 2024